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Multihead screen sharing/capture only shows full desktop

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    [XORG] Multihead screen sharing/capture only shows full desktop

    Hi all,

    I just did a fresh install of kubuntu 15.04 on my laptop, it has a Intel HD Graphics 4000 and I use an external monitor connected through HDMI. When I do web meetings and I have to share my screen, I like to select one of my screens but after re-installing everything I can now only share the full desktop, across both screens. I tried skype, hangouts and other platforms with the same result across the board, I also tried ksnapshot also with the same result. Everything else seems to be working fine, kde seems to know the boundaries of each screen....
    I didn't do any special xorg configuration or anything, I just use randr for the screen setup and that is it.

    Is this by design now? Does anybody else have this issue?

    Ksnapshot has a "Window under cursor" option in it's drop down list so it looks like it may be intentional behaviour or third party software not fully updated to work with the newer plasma?
    If you're sitting wondering,
    Which Batman is the best,
    There's only one true answer my friend,
    It's Adam Bloody West!


      Hi elijathegold,

      That option has always been there, and I'm prety sure there use to be, in my case, two extra options for capturing each screen individually.
      I also installed XFCE with lightdm and tested all the screen capturing and desktop sharing apps that I could remember, with the same result. So it doesn't seem like an issue at a "Plasma" level, I would say that it is an issue at the xorg level.
      Before this fresh isntall I was also on 15.04 but It was an old install that I have been upgrading to the latest release for years, so I know that it use to work with Plasma 5....

      Originally posted by elijathegold View Post
      Ksnapshot has a "Window under cursor" option in it's drop down list so it looks like it may be intentional behaviour or third party software not fully updated to work with the newer plasma?


        Well, here on 15.04 there's a "Full Screen" and a "Current Screen" option. That's not what you're looking for?
        Attached Files

        Please Read Me


          The "current screen" feature is what I'm looking for yes, but the problem is that "Full Screen" and "Current Screen" have the same output. The same happens in skype, hangouts, I can only share the the full desktop accross the 2 screens.

          Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
          Well, here on 15.04 there's a "Full Screen" and a "Current Screen" option. That's not what you're looking for?


            Once you select Current Screen, click take new snapshot and click on the screen you want to snap.
            If you're sitting wondering,
            Which Batman is the best,
            There's only one true answer my friend,
            It's Adam Bloody West!


              Ok, so I can say (I have three monitors) that the "Full Screen" and "Current Screen" snapshots work as expected here. Meaning full screen shows all three monitors but current screen only the screen under the mouse.

              Something has changed in your settings somewhere to cause this. Did you unify the outputs in system settings? What does xrandr show?

              Please Read Me


                You are absolutly correct, I forgot to take a new snapshot after selecting the current screen option. So that is one mystery solved, but I still have the same issue with every meeting software I try to run.

                Originally posted by elijathegold View Post
                Once you select Current Screen, click take new snapshot and click on the screen you want to snap.


                  I'm afraid I don't run any meeting software so can't offer any help there other than to wonder if they have a similar setting hidden somewhere
                  If you're sitting wondering,
                  Which Batman is the best,
                  There's only one true answer my friend,
                  It's Adam Bloody West!


                    Well I didn't unify the displays and here is the output from xrandr:
                    Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 3520 x 1080, maximum 32767 x 32767
                     LVDS1 connected 1600x900+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm   1600x900       60.1*+
                       1440x900       59.9  
                       1360x768       59.8     60.0  
                       1152x864       60.0  
                       1024x768       60.0  
                       800x600        60.3     56.2  
                       640x480        59.9  
                    DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
                    HDMI1 connected primary 1920x1080+1600+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 509mm x 286mm
                       1920x1080      60.0*+   50.0     59.9  
                       1920x1080i     60.1     50.0     60.0  
                       1680x1050      59.9  
                       1280x1024      75.0     60.0  
                       1440x900       59.9  
                       1280x960       60.0  
                       1280x800       59.9  
                       1152x864       75.0  
                       1280x720       60.0     50.0     59.9  
                       1440x576       50.0  
                       1024x768       75.1     70.1     60.0  
                       1440x480       60.0     59.9  
                       832x624        74.6  
                       800x600        72.2     75.0     60.3     56.2  
                       720x576        50.0  
                       720x480        60.0     59.9  
                       640x480        75.0     66.7     60.0     59.9  
                       720x400        70.1  
                    VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
                    Well I guess I'll have to live with this issue for a while, if I ever find out what was wrong I'll let you guys know.

                    Thanks for the help


                      If the issue revolves around the web meeting stuff, tell us what you're using and other details...

                      Please Read Me


                        Well I tried google hangouts and on Chrome and Chromium, I also use skype. Basically all of these apps allow you to select what screen you want to share, it stopped working after the fresh install.

                        Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
                        If the issue revolves around the web meeting stuff, tell us what you're using and other details...

