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an illiterate dolphin?

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    an illiterate dolphin?

    One thing that I find really galling is that l at some point dolphin and/or dragon, banshee, xine, or any other vido player will decide it doesn't want to read another disc and just sit there and stare at me, forcing me to reboot in order to read the disc. Is there some buffer that I need to purge or something similar going on? Any thoughts on how to correct this? Thanks.

    By disc do you mean DVD? Real physical media?

    Assuming so, does the disc appear in the removable devices system tray menu? What happens if you eject and reinsert it?

    This might require looking at system messages ...
    I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


      ya what @SecretCode asked ,,,,,,,,,,,, + this is NOT a "How to" ........this is a support question.

      you posted in Documentation>How To's which is supposed to be for ........well ...a explanation/tutorial on how to do something.

      post the Kubuntu and KDE ver. you are on ,,,so a mod can move it to the right place

      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

