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Dynamicly Controlling Akonadi

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    Dynamicly Controlling Akonadi

    I would like to use Kontact for email, newsfeeds, etc. The problem is that akonadi likes to run a couple dozen or so processes in the background. I don't want everything running in the background all the time. How can I set akonadi processes to start when I open Kontact and stop when I close Kontact?

    It's nice to have a few of the processes running like popup alerts for events, but more than a couple dozen is too much. I don't need or want things like email running all the time.

    If you close Kmail/Kontact, then your email is not running "all the time".
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
      If you close Kmail/Kontact, then your email is not running "all the time".
      Right, but the various Akonadi resources will still run, collecting incoming mail and (if configured) syncing your calendar and address book. You can see this if you run ps -ef | grep akonadi. By design, Akonadi runs as long as system is booted, and Baloo continually indexes its information.


        Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
        Right, but the various Akonadi resources will still run, collecting incoming mail and (if configured) syncing your calendar and address book. You can see this if you run ps -ef | grep akonadi. By design, Akonadi runs as long as system is booted, and Baloo continually indexes its information.
        Exactly. Isn't there a way to not have akonadi run the entire time...short of manually killing processes?

        I mean, I can't imagine them not having such an option in an open source stack, especially in the destop envirnment where everything is easily customizable.


          AkonadiTray doesn't do what is being asked? I use it all the time to turn it off. I turn it on when I need it to be running.


            Originally posted by MoonRise View Post
            AkonadiTray doesn't do what is being asked? I use it all the time to turn it off. I turn it on when I need it to be running.
            Right! I totally forgot about AkonadiTray. I haven't seen it in ages -- is it no longer enabled by default?


              I don't think it is. On my 14.04 install I had to find it to reinstall as I did a fresh install at that time. Works great though!


                Somewhere I read (might have been from Claydoh) about the .desktop files in /usr/share/akonadi/agents.

                If you look at one of these that refers to an akonadi prog, one line ends =Unique, Autostart. I guess that removing the 'Autostart' should (might) stop the relative akon prog starting.

                I think Claydoh's suggestion was copying the file to ~/.(somewhere) and running it from there which I tried but not very succesfully.
                Apologies - I didn't follow it up further.


