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How to get a list of all open windows?

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    [DESKTOP] How to get a list of all open windows?

    I have this weird problem with my browser/Internet suite, SeaMonkey. It started IMMEDIATELY after upgrading to its version 2.21. There's this little white window that appears, seemingly with no rhyme or reason. It's always stationary in the 0,0 position on my screen--and it stays ABOVE everything else, so it's very annoying. If you want to see a screenshot, let me know. The window is NOT movable, it's NOT closeable, it's neither left- nor right-clickable, it's not ANYTHING-able. It's just there. And it stays until I close SM.

    One time instead of being all white, it had the color and font of my theme, and it said "SeaMonkey." But that only happened once. It didn't change the fact that I couldn't do anything with the window. It's basically just big enough for a title bar, and that one time when it had color that's exactly what it looked like, a two-inch long window with nothing but a title bar.

    How can I get a listing of all windows that are open? ps -eaf | grep seamonkey only yields one [meaningful] entry, that of its executable file, /usr/local/seamonkey/seamonkey. What I need is to see all of its child windows, i.e., one entry for its mail/newsgroup client, one for its browser, etc. Maybe then I'll be able to zone in on what exactly this pesky, annoying little white box is!

    ETA: After two weeks of being annoyed, I think I just hit on the problem! Figures, first I post, then I figure it out. Oh well. I THINK the cause was a mail notification setting. It's something that's new [to me, but I hadn't upgraded SM in a while], and right now--after disabling it a few minutes ago--the mysterious white box hasn't resurfaced. Fingers crossed...
    Last edited by DoYouKubuntu; Oct 24, 2013, 10:13 PM.
    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

    Get a list of open windows in Linux:
    A good place to start: Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers
    Searching FAQ's: Google Search 'FAQ from Kubuntuforums'


      Thanks, Rog132!

      It's a moot point now for the issue I had, but helpful for future use nevertheless. The two latter answers are what did it, i.e., wmctrl and xwininfo.
      Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

