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How to make a widget

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    How to make a widget

    So I have a python script which I run in terminal and it returns me some data which is only text. I need some tutorials of how to make a desktop widget so the script would run itself and the widget would then show the output data.

    KDE techbase - Development tutorials, Plasma:


    Getting Started
    Creating and running your first plasmoid in Python

    Using widgets
    Introduction to using Plasma widgets

    Using DataEngines
    How to use DataEngines from a plasmoid


    Writing DataEngines
    How to write your own Plasma DataEngine

    Writing a Plasmoid in Python
    Writing a simple battery graph in python


    Writing a KRunner plugin in Python
    Writing a simple krunner plugin in python
    Last edited by OneLine; May 18, 2012, 06:52 AM.
    Have you tried ?

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      Are you looking to create a widget, or just a better output from your script? It's pretty easy to make a .desktop file or servicemenu that can run a script and have an icon and all that. How to control the output will depend on your script.

      I wanted an easy way to check the md5sum of files I download so I wrote a little desktop servicemenu (an available action that takes place with a right-click over a file icon) that reads the md5sum of a file and sends it to the notifier wigdet.

      Why don't you describe what you're trying to accomplish and even attach your script for a look-see. Maybe one of us can come up with an idea.

      Please Read Me


        Actually it is a python script that fetches a list of unsubmitted homeworks from moodle. Here is the source:


          Python, PyQt, PyKDE and KDialog

          Documentation and tutorials here:

          PyKDE builds on top of PyQt and adds Python support for KDE's libraries and technologies.
          Search for PyQt and PyKDE in Muon and you'll find the installables.

          Other Examples:

          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

