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Launcher for "Present Windows" effect

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    Launcher for "Present Windows" effect

    Does anyone know of a way to create a panel launcher to initiate the present windows effect?

    In days (years) gone by I would simply use a dcop command to do it with compiz but in KDE there doesn't seem to be anything like that.
    Failing that, are there any know plasma widgets that would do it?

    I know I can use screen edges or keyboard shortcuts but I am using the touchpad a lot and have panels and everything moved to the top of the screen so window and panel controls are all around the same area so if I use top screen edges then I initiate it when I don't want to and lower screen edges mean a lot more pointer movement which makes it pointless. Plus I am using most apps fully maximized which makes it all to easy to accidentally touch screen edges anyway.
    And I just never get used to keyboard shortcuts so would rally prefer a panel icon.

    The "current application control widget" presents windows.
    Linux because it works. No social or political motives in my decision to use it.
    Always consider Occam's Razor


      Yes, that's what I'm using at the moment but it takes up quite a bit of room on my panel and is squashing everything up somewhat.


        This guy Mouse shortcuts with xbindkeys « Who Says Penguins Can't Fly? says

        ...the KWin effects “Present Windows” and “Desktop Grid”. I couldn’t find any D-Bus calls for this, so let’s try to achieve it in another way. The effects are already mapped to some keyboard shortcuts – maybe we can find a command to “emulate” these key presses?
        You might be able to create the launcher icon that launches a shell script that calls xte as that page describes.
        I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


          Ahh! That did it
          No need to call a script, just created a Kmenu entry with the xte command and dragged it to the panel. Works perfectly. Many thanks


            Cool! ... You can now mark the thread as SOLVED!
            I'd rather be locked out than locked in.

