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Huge fonts in Login and Interface.

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    Huge fonts in Login and Interface.

    I have been using Ubuntu Linux for some time, so not really a Linux newb but i am new to KDE and therefore Kubuntu.
    I always run (K)ubuntu on my laptop, and on this rig next to a Windows installation for my gaming needs.

    On my laptop everything went as smooth at it could be, installed (11.10) and ready to go. On my PC i have a rather funky problem of the fonts beeing huge, far too huge, and i cant seem to work out how to solve this.
    This problem only exists within KDE interface elements (login box, title screen, gatgets, KDE programs, etc), so this webpage it showing like its supposed to (viewed in Chromium) but the title screen is blow way out of proportion.

    My PC has got a GeForce GTX460 in it, and i have allowed it to install Nividias Linux drivers, wich it did. Ive got version 280 running right now.

    Is this a known thing and any clues to where i need to find an awnser?
    Id like to use the KDE version of Linux as my new interface of choice bit this renders it a bit useless.

    Re: Huge fonts in Login and Interface.

    I have managed to fix the interface by forcing 120DPI in the system settings, this however does not seem to affect the login screen. At the login screen the problem persist. Still something i want to fix.


      Re: Huge fonts in Login and Interface.

      The settings for the login screen are at:

      System Settings > login > general tab

      Is this having no effect?

      The font settings for applications are at:

      System settings > Application appearance > fonts

      There is also a "magnifier" application, and I'm wondering if that got triggered somehow. You can deactivate it at:

      System Settings > Desktop Effects > All Effects > Magnifier

      We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


        Re: Huge fonts in Login and Interface.

        Sorry for getting back so late, time and all.
        I have tried all your suggestions unfortunately to no avail.
        The magnifier tool is not activated, the DPI setting i did earlier was done in the font option. And the login screen appearance thing contains no outragious font-size settings that i can find.

