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This folder is empty

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    This folder is empty


    I decided to throw Kubuntu on a VM and give it a run. It's been years since I tried KDE! Besides that I really don't like the way Gnome has gone so I'm looking for an alternate GDM. All went will with the install, update went fine and I installed my guest additions from VirtialBox.

    Once i get logged in there's this window, box item and it just has the text "This folder is empty." What pray tell is this for? And if I make it close, disappear how to I get it back if I need it?

    Thanks for the help! Boy has KDE changed a lot in 6 years!

    Re: This folder is empty

    I believe on a new install that's the Folder View widget. If you float your mouse cursor over it, you should see a small toolbar. Click on the wrench to configure it.

    If you remove it, you can add it back via Add Widgets - right click on a blank area of the desktop or use one of the 'cashews' in the corner of the screen.


      Re: This folder is empty

      Thanks a bunch! I'm looking for a README file or something .. zero!

      Cool, so its something that if I close it won't matter!

      Again, thanks!


        Re: This folder is empty

        Right, removing it won't harm anything. (The first thing I do after a clean install of KDE is delete that damn folder view thingie. I don't like it, but you may want to experiment with it.)

        Since you're getting reacquainted with KDE, here's a quick pointer: See the little yellow cashew-shaped thing at the top right corner of your screen, and also at the far right of your taskbar panel? Click on either of those, or right-click on any empty area of your desktop, and you'll see options that include "Add Widgets." Have at it! There are tons of clever widgets you can add to your panel(s) and/or to your desktop. I'm a minimalist and don't have ANYTHING on my desktops except wallpaper (photos I've taken), so I put all my widgets in my panel. But have fun experimenting with different widgets until you find the ones that you actually want to keep around.
        Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

