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Yet another Desktop Effects thread (i searched)

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    Yet another Desktop Effects thread (i searched)

    it seems this problem has cropped up a million times and people keep asking the same questions over and over.

    I've recently migrated to Kubuntu from Ubuntu, not a fan of gnome 3 and I haven't used KDE since Mandrake. So its a new learning experience.

    I used Compiz Fusion for my desktop effects in classic gnome, but apparently Kwin does all of these things pretty well too, so I thought I'd give it a try before trying to get it to work well with compiz.

    I'm working on a brand spanking new clean install of kubuntu 10.11
    Samsung QX-410 laptop
    4gb ram
    intel i5 (2 physical cores, 2 virtual ones) non sandybridge
    geforce 310m & intel HD graphics.

    I believe the geforce is the card being used by the os. details below.

    I followed all of the posts made previously about this problem. When you try to enable desktop effects it says a bunch of them wont activate.
    I've checked the "disable functionality checks" box. Made sure I have the proprietary driver installed and running, and tried opengl and the X renderer. Not sure where else to go with it. "Additional Drivers" says I've got the driver and that it is running. But when I try to open the Nvidia X Settings program it gives me an error saying X isn't configured properly. To better show my situation I've taken screenshots of exactly the issues.

    can't activate effects:

    Check your X config, after disabling func check.

    proper driver loaded:

    Nvidia control panel says X isn't set up properly:

    Tried what nvidia suggested, got this error:

    Don't understand what the next step could be. Is it an issue with the 2 separate graphics drivers? I'd be happy going strictly with the Intel chip. I can use the nvidia card in my windows partition for games. don't need them here. I'm just doing audio and productivity in linux.

    Thanks in advance for looking into this for the 4 millionth time.

    Re: Yet another Desktop Effects thread (i searched)

    try running it with sudo:

    sudo nvidia-xconfig

    You need root privileges for this process.

    Dual gpu's are fairly new in linux support, I am unfamiliar with managing that, but I believe it is worlkable (as in switching). But the first issue is getting your nvidia set up first.


      Re: Yet another Desktop Effects thread (i searched)

      I should have mentioned. I tried sudo, I just didn't take a screenshot. Same result.


        Re: Yet another Desktop Effects thread (i searched)

        I believe that you have nvidia optimus based laptop so you cannot use nvidia card under linux (there is no linux support for optimus).

        I think you have to use intel card.
        Plasma 5 look&feel for KDE4:

