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[Solved] Desktop grid?

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    [Solved] Desktop grid?

    On a friends computer (not Kubuntu) I have seen that the desktop shows a grid when the user moves or resizes a widget. This seems to be a special desktop mode. Is this also availabe for Kubuntu? It is not offered in the desktop settings as it is on my friend's desktop. I guess I have to install some additional package - but which?

    Re: Desktop grid?

    Your post piqued my interest so I took a look at Desktop Settings. Under Layout there's a choice called Grid Desktop. I applied it and then added/moved a widget and it did what I think you're describing. Give it a try!
    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


      Re: Desktop grid?

      Alas I don't have that "Grid Desktop" option there. I guess I have to install some additional package - but which?


        Re: Desktop grid?

        "Grid Snap" is a plugin in CompizConfig Settings Manager ?
        "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
        "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


          Re: Desktop grid?

          Originally posted by Pondus
          Alas I don't have that "Grid Desktop" option there. I guess I have to install some additional package - but which?
          I don't know because I didn't install anything extra/special. So it must come from some KDE component that I *did* install.

          Wait--which version of Kubuntu are you running? I'm using 11.04.
          Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


            Re: Desktop grid?

            Originally posted by arochester
            "Grid Snap" is a plugin in CompizConfig Settings Manager ?
            I definitely did not install that--in fact, I installed NOTHING to do with Compiz, so at least in my case that's not where it's coming from.
            Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


              Re: Desktop grid?

              Menu/system settings/desktop effects/window management



                Re: Desktop grid?

                Originally posted by woodsmoke
                Menu/system settings/desktop effects/window management
                No, that's Desktop Grid. The OP is referring to Grid Desktop; see my earlier post.
                Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                  Re: Desktop grid?

                  Thanks, I just discovered that I'm dyslexic!


                    Re: Desktop grid?

                    Originally posted by woodsmoke
                    Thanks, I just discovered that I'm dyslexic!
                    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                      Re: Desktop grid?

                      Thanks for trying to figure this out. It's in the package plasma-containments-addons.


                        Re: [Solved] Desktop grid?

                        The "grid" actually goes back to the old "IBM" days when they tried to "do windows".

                        I can't find an image of it but there was one in the old Compute Gazette!! which was DESTROYED by some fourth party money channel for Microsoft that actually had an image of a screen that IBM did....

                        Back "then" it was "EVIL BIG BLUE" it is EVIL MICROSOFT.....

                        But anyway.....the players may change but the result is the same.....

                        IBM had a "window" system on their OBLIGATORY ..."green screen" that was, as best as I can remember.... two high and four wide....

                        each "box" had a different set of applications in it....

                        like the first box on top was...OFFICE.... second box was...GAMES.....

                        IBM really did not have a clue....

                        if anyone has a hardcopy of the picture of an IBM machine with the grid on the screen please post it.



                          Re: [Solved] Desktop grid?

                          but that has nothing to do with the grid of the kde desktop which is just for easier precise aligning of objects

