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Changing only the outgoing text color in Kopete

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    Changing only the outgoing text color in Kopete

    How can I change only my outgoing text color in Kopete while keeping the original color of the incoming messages?

    Re: Changing only the outgoing text color in Kopete

    You present an interesting question.

    The answer MAY BE to add a plugin.

    Go to configure and then plugins and then "add text effect".

    Just to make sure things "took effect" I then closed Kopete and reopened it.

    Again, go to plugins/add text effect and you will see a, to me, grey "wrench". Click it.

    You will see some html colors which can be moved up and down.

    That did change an outgoing message's text colour for me but....and this is a reservation ...

    Since I do not have, at this particular time, anyone online with whom to chat I don't know if it changed the INcoming text colour also.

    At the bottom is a box that is ticked which says "change......GLOBAL(the possibly important word) text foreground colour.....

    HOWEVER, again, in the "about" it says "add some interesting effects to your messages"...your implies the one that you(the author) would send ...dunno..
    So my post may be an exercise in futility if it changes both incoming and outgoing, but you might try it...

    unfortunately I am not so popular as to have many chatees except for students and none are online.

    There is also highlight text but I didn't try it.

    hope this helps, or it may not! lol



      Re: Changing only the outgoing text color in Kopete

      Upon further playing with it, it seems to change the colours "down the list" so that one sees a variety of colours.

      I, at least, cannot select the text in the configuration box to remove all but

      So....I would "assume" and one know what that does! lol, one might assume that if one could find the "config" file for Kopete and manually remove all of the HTML colour numbers except the desired one then one "might" be able to only have on "different" outgoing colour or burble...don't know somebody smarter than moi would have to address that.



        Re: Changing only the outgoing text color in Kopete

        I can now confirm that the incoming text remains "black" and that the outgoing text changes colours.



          Re: Changing only the outgoing text color in Kopete

          Thanks! It's working perfectly now! That solves one of my three issues that I've been having with Kopete.


            Re: Changing only the outgoing text color in Kopete

            Glad to be of help!

            If you figure out a way to just have one colour, I am sure that some folks would be interested in that information.



              Re: Changing only the outgoing text color in Kopete

              First of all, i was able to remove all of the other colors by clicking the remove button to the right of the list of colors. I clicked on each color and then clicked on that button after selecting a color.

              Unfortunately, I've just found out that while I my outgoing text appears green on my screen, my friend is telling me my text is appearing black on her screen, as if the effect is only on my computer and not sent out. She's using the windows google talk client.

