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Google Contacts 'offline' use??

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    Google Contacts 'offline' use??

    I have used computers since before 'the cloud' existed. I have stored data before 'the cloud' existed. Yes I'm a skeptic, and paranoid. I'm have to keep track of a lot of addresses and phone numbers, and don't like my options. I'm looking at using Google Contacts, however I can't find anything that properly lets me use these contacts offline on my Linux box. I have Thunderbird, and the Google Contact addon, but it seems sketchy, and doesn't work real well. I gave Akonadi Server a shot with KAddressbook, but that was just ugly. I found the entire Kaddressbook interface to be lacking, and it's interaction with Google Contacts, was slightly problematic as well. I'm willing to consider these two options if someone can give me some major pointers on how to fix or use them properly. I'm also open to other suggestions, I have yet to find anything I'm really pleased with. Appreciate any input, or ideas.

    John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    Re: Google Contacts 'offline' use??

    You can export your Google Contacts to a csv file and import them into any email program that will import a csv file. I use Thunderbird.


      Re: Google Contacts 'offline' use??

      I should also mention that you can import your contacts in to a spreadsheet such a LibreOfficeCalc. Takes a little editing to get the field names right but it's easy.


        Re: Google Contacts 'offline' use??

        Right, and I have considered that, however I would like to maintain the Google 'online' list too. I guess that would be like syncing? I have the Thunderbird addon that access the google contacts, however I'm un-impressed with it, or perhaps I don't properly know how to use it. I did get Kontact also to use the Google Contacts, however that was just, hmmm, how can I say, very poor looking. I have struggled with this for years, the fact that Linux is missing a great Contact Manager. I tried Evolution too, but it's ability to connect to the Google Contacts was lacking. I have over 1000 contacts, and it only downloaded like 200 then failed. Even after two separate attempts. I'm at a loss, and probably going to have to go with a spreadsheet. Or full dependence on the 'cloud' which I don't like, because believe it or not there are many times even in 2011 when I don't have access to the internet!

        John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


          Re: Google Contacts 'offline' use??

          With that many records, it might be better to use LibreOffice Base to setup your offline contacts.


            Re: Google Contacts 'offline' use??

            My problem is the base learning curve. I know nothing about using database type apps, or Base. I know it it much better at handling large amounts of data, but I simply don't have the time to set it up. Unless it is easier than I thought. I'm certainly not opposed to the idea, and if it works well, may actually like it. If you have any insight, or good tutorials, I'm interested.

            John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


              Re: Google Contacts 'offline' use??

              Yeah, I got my Thunderbird fixed! I re-installed the Addon. For some reason it wasn't downloading the new contacts, or changes. I think I'm all set with this. I also removed an addon that I wasn't using, and was confusing the whole thing. Addressbook sycronizer or something. I'm about 95% sure that with the Google Contact addon, I have access to my data even if I'm not 'online' and I have it on my desktop and laptop. That is about as close to 'syncing' as we are getting these 'cloud' days. It is more like psudo syncing, because the actual data is stored in the cloud. At any rate, thanks for the ideas and suggestions! I may still be interested in continuing with this as my rebellion to the cloud.

              John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


                Re: Google Contacts 'offline' use??

                I like Detonate's idea of LibreOffice Base. You can create a flat file (default) or dbf, which works very quickly and you can create forms which allow you to add, edit or remove entries, sort, filter, create reports, etc..., without having to install MySQL or PostgreSQL.
                Fairly easy to learn and use, but very powerful.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

