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Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

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    Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

    A lament.

    Why do I love thee? As with the rest of KDE, you look beautiful. I adore your two-line message list. I enthuse over your vast configurability. I revel in your KDE integration. I rejoice at your proper display of threading.

    Why do I loathe thee? Your stubborn refusal to turn your calendar past 1995. The rest of the world long ago abandoned 80 column ASCII text: witness your own beautiful graphical desktop as only one of a plethora of obvious elements of evidence. But why, oh why, does your message composer resist all efforts to be dragged into the present? Since adopting you as my shepherd and steward of all that is IMAP and SMTP, Every.Single.Person with whom I correspond has complained vociferously about my "mangled replies" and "broken links."

    Have you ever actually evaluated the HTML you create? It's really quite bad. I suggest some remedial lessons at the W3 school. And what have you done to the MIME formatting that seems to force many of my recipients' user agents to ignore HTML parts completely? Have you no H(T)eart?

    So it is with somber sadness yet demonstrated demand that I summon Thunderbird onto my SSD as your reluctant replacement. Oh yes, there's plenty about Gecko to grouse about. Yet only this stormy raptor of an emailer can accomplish the most important task in which I engage: namely, creating content that appears as expected by my peers who rejected the Hollerith card as suggested formatting style.

    Off you go, from my favorites, alas. But I'll let you linger, at least a little bit longer, for who really knows how you might grow when the date clicks over to 4.8? Please, I plead, give me an apt-get update that fixes the one thing that, I'm sorry, but just sucks ass.

    Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

    Friggin' hysterical, dude...

    You should be writing for TV or something. God knows they need the talent...

    Please Read Me


      Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

      Ahhhhhhhhhhh -- that's a scream!

      I'll guess I'll note this as Reason #27 I'm still using the AOL mail that I first subscribed to in 1992. :-X


        Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

        I begrudge no one their opinions on Kubuntu and/or KDE. I am however, often amused by some of the comentary. I have never had any problems using Kontact/Kmail once they were properly setup/configured (akonadi is the bug-a-boo that has to be tamed). Kontact/KMail have been my PIM/Mail handling applications since I moved to Linux in 2007. Having heard the woes of those who forced the use of the new Kontact/KMail after the move to KDE 4.7, I've opted to keep version 4.4.10 (Kontact) and 1.13.6 (KMail), and both continue to work without any issues.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

          I've had a few issues with KMAIL. Tried to migrate over from Thunderbird but could never get KMAIL to work quite the way I'd like so back in Thunderbird I am. Now, I'm not knocking KMAIL. Just not for me and at least I had options, Thunderbird.


            Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

            In my drive to replace all GTK+ apps with Qt based apps I moved from ThunderBird to KMail about a year ago. I imported all of my TB mail into KMail and configured it as the default email client. It has been doing everything I want it to do since then. I've been pleased.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

              for who really knows how you might grow when the date clicks over to 4.8? Please, I plead, give me an apt-get update...
              The best plan to improve kmail would be to submit proper upstream bug-reports.


                Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

                Originally posted by stevek
                The best plan to improve kmail would be to submit proper upstream bug-reports.
                Yes, I know. Apparently this has already occurred, at least from the discussions I've seen on the KDE Community Forum (example). Although I can't believe I missed this post from March: apparently there might be a Google Summer of Code project to add better HTML functionality. And here's a blog from the coder working on it, which I also just discovered. Nice!


                  Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

                  Originally posted by GreyGeek
                  In my drive to replace all GTK+ apps with Qt based apps
                  What browser do you use, then? I seem to encounter too many websites that malfunction in various ways when I use Rekonq or Konqueror, so I tend to stick with Firefox.


                    Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

                    Sadly, I find that FireFox 3.6 still best fits my needs. Konq isn't bad in most situations but there aren't enough addons for it, and several websites I've visited don't render correctly. Chrome is less user friendly than either Konq or FF. FF Nightly and FF 4 & FF6 do not support Woflram and other addons that I use. So, I am stuck with FF 3.6.x
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

                      Originally posted by steveriley
                      Originally posted by GreyGeek
                      In my drive to replace all GTK+ apps with Qt based apps
                      What browser do you use, then? I seem to encounter too many websites that malfunction in various ways when I use Rekonq or Konqueror, so I tend to stick with Firefox.
                      Chrome. Wicked fast.

                      Please Read Me


                        Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

                        Originally posted by GreyGeek
                        FF Nightly and FF 4 & FF6 do not support Woflram and other addons that I use. So, I am stuck with FF 3.6.x
                        Have you tried using the add-on compatibility reporter? It disables add-on version checking, which allows you to try to run add-ons that would otherwise refuse to run. A number of my add-ons run just fine on FF 7 even though they claim they won't.


                          Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

                          I hadn't heard about that. Thanks for the heads-up. I'll look into it.
                          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                            Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

                            I, too, have had to abandon KMail for Thunderbird. I have been a KMail user for many years but it has become unstable (frequent hangs requiring me to kill it manually from the command line) and the integration with an Exchange-based calendar system is just not as good as Thunderbird.

                            For my own sanity, I switched to Thunderbird for my work email / calendar needs and have been satisfied. I still like KMail but for productivity purposes I needed to change to Thunderbird.

                            Andy St.Martin


                              Re: Alas, poor KMail, I knew you...but no more

                              Having used Kmail almost exclusively since 2001 or so, I am not quite ready to abandon it. But there are issues with kmail2, unfortunately. Now the issues are annoying, but there isn't any data loss like there was for a time when the first KDE3 version of it was released. I got bit hard by that one myself.

                              I am attempting to compile various problems, fixes and tweaks if they are available for both migration and fresh starts.

                              Currently I am playing with using sqlite in place of the embedded Akonadi mysql database., which may be an option for lower spec systems with fewer email accounts/calendars/contacts.

                              My only real issues are broken automatic spam filtering, and spam-filter related duplication of messages.

                              I have not used Tbird in some time, but slow as kmail2 feels to me, it still feels faster than I remember Tbird to be.

