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Unity-like launcher plasmoid

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    Re: Unity-like launcher plasmoid

    Hi Snowhog,
    thanks for the above, and since I have been around Linux some time I have a vague idea that I am supposed to go to a terminal and navigate to the package and then do the above.

    The problem is that when I walked down to the terminal all I saw was an F-9 A unit with a couple of heavyweights in orange and brown I hollered at the engineer and he turned on the MARS so I could actually SEE something and low and behold... it was Jeff Bridges!!! how cool was that!!!!

    Anyway he waved his hand to one of those directories that are on those angly things in the middle of the place and I was able to follow the instructions from there a little ways...but...again...since I'm not too bright.... I ended up in the wrong place.... there were all of these folks on some kind of fancy HDs and they were moving way too fast for me to keep track...but they did have tres-kewl helmets.... kinda like glowing blue...

    so I called a friend of mine in DC to help me make it but the prefix was was 607 and not BR-549.

    But while I was standing there I did notice a placard for a Budo school in Connecticut, not too far away... I might give that a shot.. it's kind of like sudo only more into kicking than knife finger thrusts to the keyboard...

    so I guess I'm just out of luck.

    but hey...thanks anyway!!



      Re: Unity-like launcher plasmoid

      You are a pure joy - really. Your comments/missives often put a smile on my mug.

      The basics are this.

      1) Download the source package
      2) Unpack the downloaded source package (open Dolphin and navigate to Downloads (the default directory for downloads) and double-click the downloaded package, which should launch Ark and ask what you want to do -- Extract here -- which will create the source directory in Downloads)
      3) Open a console
      4) Navigate to the newly created source directory in Downloads, then:
      1. mkdir build
      2. cd build
      3. cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`
      4. make
      5. sudo make install
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: Unity-like launcher plasmoid

        thank you for the compliment but I don't know that it is much deserved!

        I'll give that a try.


