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Desktop Activities and desktop cube.

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    Desktop Activities and desktop cube.

    Is it possible in KDE 4.6.1 to have activities on the desktop cube as opposed to virtual desktops?

    For that matter is it even possible to truly assign activities to virtual desktops/ I don't seem to be able to get this working either.

    Re: Desktop Activities and desktop cube.

    what exactly do you mean??
    different widgets on different desktops?
    explane a little more and I will try on my natty box.

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: Desktop Activities and desktop cube.

      no, virtual desktops are what appear on your desktop cube if you enable that.

      the so-called Desktop Activities are not the same thing. Think of Virtual desktops as a sub-screen of an Activity, if you will. I know, clesr as mud still.

      Supposedly you can map or assign Desktop Activities to virtual desktops, but i am unable to do so, actually. Just something I wanna try and do.


        Re: Desktop Activities and desktop cube.

        What exactly is the problem, the setting (in KDE 4.6 SystemSettings>WorkspaceBehavior>VirtualDesktops>D ifferent widgets on each desktop...this should set a unique activity for each desktop) doesn't work? Or something else?


          Re: Desktop Activities and desktop cube.

          I'll second Kubicle on that, I did i a few weeks ago so that I can do different things on different desktops. Works great, also lets me have different wallpapers on each desktop so I can keep track of where I am....which being older than dirt ...i need!



            Re: Desktop Activities and desktop cube.

            Originally posted by kubicle
            What exactly is the problem, the setting (in KDE 4.6 SystemSettings>WorkspaceBehavior>VirtualDesktops>D ifferent widgets on each desktop...this should set a unique activity for each desktop) doesn't work? Or something else?
            nope, this does not work
            I have not tried this with a new user, though. Perhaps it is in which were created first, as I originally had 1 virtual desktop, but 4 activities.

            Activities work as expected, as do virtual desktops. Just not the mapping of one to another. Its just a bling thing for me so it isn't a major thing, just a confusing one as somewhere in past KDE versions I did do this, to not with cube as my hardware at the time couldn't really handle that


              Re: Desktop Activities and desktop cube.

              Originally posted by claydoh
              I have not tried this with a new user, though.
              I'd try that next, just to see if having multiple activities already set messes with the setting.

