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size of clock popup

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    size of clock popup

    I'm using the adjustable clock widget in my plasma panel. When I click it a calendar pops up. Great ... but ...

    The calendar is too small to read. I found out that I can increase the size of calendar by grabbing the lower left corner (my panel is on the screen top) and dragging to a new size. Again, nice (but it did take this old guy awhile to figure that out).

    Next, how do I save the size between sessions? I did try to edit ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc


    but that seems to get reset with each login. Is it really this hard?

    Re: size of clock popup

    Hi and welcome
    Are you locking the widgets after you have set the size of the applet (right click on desktop/lock widgets) ?


      Re: size of clock popup

      Originally posted by The Liquidator
      Hi and welcome
      Are you locking the widgets after you have set the size of the applet (right click on desktop/lock widgets) ?
      Thanks for the respone.

      I just tried both ways:

      1. With the wigdets locked -- increase size, logout/in ... same old size.

      2. Unlock, increase, out/in ... same thing

      Remember, I'm talking about the popup calendar, not the clock. Maybe the guys who designed this know what size would be best for me and my eyes ... and want me to ware glasses?

      Just seems odd to me that things like this are frozen as to size and appearance. I assume that look of the calendar is controlled by a theme, but haven't been able to figure out when part.


        Re: size of clock popup

        I'll have a play around when I get in - i'm at work on a win box at the moment- and come back to you.

