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Search & Launch favourites won't go away

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    Re: Search & Launch favourites won't go away

    I did get kmail and akonadi working together after following a guide on here but the thing is, no user should have to go through those steps just to have something working right.

    Funny you should mention Thunderbird though as just after my last post, I went ahead and installed it.
    When I cam over to linux from windows, I used firefox and thunderbird because they were what I was used to but over time I wanted to use stuff more integrated into the desktop which of course meant kmail in KDE and evolution in gnome and both apps have given me no end of problems - kmail with the akonadi crap and evolution with the default keyring crap and I cannot believe I have continued to use and fight with these apps when the perfect answer was there from the start.

    Of course it doesn't solve all my problems, especially now my natty install refuses to boot at all but at least whatever desktop environment or distro (or even os - Win 7 looks a more attractive proposition all the time) I move to next, I will be able to use thunderbird regardless.

