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Kubuntu Application Crash

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    Kubuntu Application Crash

    I am using Ubuntu since last 5 years but I didn't face such problem . I am using Kubuntu 10.4 since few days. I am getting too many application crash messages. I have reported bug already but today I'm just updating my software and i got a crash message. and i carelessly close the window without reading the message.


    my whole screen get black and menu and windows disappeared but update is still running in terminal. I restart my computer several time but after logging in same black screen. I think everything is working properly but nothing is visible.

    Re: Kubuntu Application Crash

    Maybe a video driver issue or xorg.conf got corrupted. Are you able to get to Konsole and post the contents of
    cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf


      Re: Kubuntu Application Crash

      1) DON'T bother doing what buckeyered80 did (sorry buck but I don't think it will help us in this case)

      DO post the output of
      cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log
      . Any thing with an [EE] next to it is an error that we need to understand.

      2) We need to know some background. What video card? What video driver? Did you upgrade to 10.04 from a previous distro?

      3) When your whole screen goes black and the update is still running does it finish without errors?
      Home: Kubuntu 12.04-amd64; Intel i7-860 on Intel DH55PJ; Nvidia 9500GT; 6GB RAM
      Network Slave: Xubuntu 11.10-x86; Intel P4-Prescott on MSI; 2GB RAM; Nvidia FX5200
      Portable: Xubuntu 11.10-amd64; Asus EeePC 1015PEM


        Re: Kubuntu Application Crash

        No problem dude...checking the log is not a bad place to start.


          Re: Kubuntu Application Crash

          Thanks guys,

          can you tell me some more details how to restore previous session through log


            Re: Kubuntu Application Crash

            You really need to be more specific here. Are you able to log in to a terminal? Did you get the errors from the log that I requested? How about some more information about your video card setup?

            ...sometimes I wonder where the trolls are in KFN.
            Home: Kubuntu 12.04-amd64; Intel i7-860 on Intel DH55PJ; Nvidia 9500GT; 6GB RAM
            Network Slave: Xubuntu 11.10-x86; Intel P4-Prescott on MSI; 2GB RAM; Nvidia FX5200
            Portable: Xubuntu 11.10-amd64; Asus EeePC 1015PEM

