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Can't change kdm greeter or style on kde-4.6 maverick or natty

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    Can't change kdm greeter or style on kde-4.6 maverick or natty

    Seems to be a problem with the kdm login screen in kde-4.6, on both natty and maverick.

    I cannot change either the color or the style of the greeter screen; all I get is ugly grey, no matter what I change it to.

    kdesudo systemsettings > Login Screen > General > Appearance

    uncheck "Use themed greeter"

    In "GUI Style" there are several choices, and several chocies in "Color scheme".
    Making changes there is reflected correctly in /etc/kde4/apps/kdm/kdmrc

    But no changes in the actual login screen. Changing the greeting and logo in the Dialog tab does work as expected.

    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

    Re: Can't change kdm greeter or style on kde-4.6 maverick or natty

    That is very strange Doc, but I honestly haven't played with the login settings for a while.

    The settings dialogs for it are very antiquated and it's my understanding that they want to move to a strictly theme-based system (kind of like your "Workspace Appearance" section in System Settings. So, in the future it would be more along the lines of: pick theme X, and customize settings available for X. Right now it's a little in limbo and not very well maintained compared to the rest of KDE.

    That's my understanding of it anyway.

    Man by his very nature is dependent on other men.


      Re: Can't change kdm greeter or style on kde-4.6 maverick or natty

      That may be. Seems like no matter what changes I try to make to the greeter, they are all ignored. I guess the next step is to figure out how to make a greeter theme, since I like a smooth transition from greeter -> splasher -> desktop, and I roll my own on the splasher and desktop.
      We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


        Re: Can't change kdm greeter or style on kde-4.6 maverick or natty

        I'm with you on that one Doc.

        Really I would like to see the same background from grub -> desktop as a default. But maybe I'm just dreaming unless I put some patches in.

        Man by his very nature is dependent on other men.

