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Tiny text after game crash

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    Tiny text after game crash

    The following is more annoying than a major problem. A reboot (or maybe even logout/login) fixes it. Just wondering if there's a quicker way to fix.

    So I launch a game which changed my desktop resolution to 800x600. Usually when games do this and I exit the game it goes back to my normal resolution 1024x768 (laptop's native res) and all is good. This time the game crashed leaving my res at 800x600. I go to system settings and change the res back to 1024x768. Now when I open a terminal the text in there is really really tiny. Same for the text in the panel where the task manager is.

    Is there a quick way to get the text back to normal without rebooting? Or a way to make it not happen in the first place?

    Just realised that I could check for an option in the game for keeping the res at 1024x768. Might help in the future.

    Re: Tiny text after game crash


    If this happens again, maybe you can try to logout, choose the option to re-start the X (display) server in the login manager, and then login again. That should do!

