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[solved] 4.6 upgrade not going well...

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    [solved] 4.6 upgrade not going well...

    32-bit upgrade went fine. The 64-bit desktop still has some issues, the biggest one being X throwing an error on startup but when you click okay it starts normally. Error looks like this -

    Xsession: unable to launch "" X session --- "" not found; falling back to default session.

    but if you click "okay" X starts normally. .xsession-errors appears to be useless but I've attached it anyway.

    Also, my panel appears to have lost transparency but that's a minor issue.

    Anybody got any thoughts?

    Thanks, guys -
    Attached Files
    we see things not as they are, but as we are.
    -- anais nin

    Re: 4.6 upgrade not going well...

    Replying to my own post, the error message comes from /etc/X11/20x11-common_process-args

    # Specific program was requested.
    STARTUP_FULL_PATH=$(/usr/bin/which "${1%% *}" || true)
    if [ -n "$STARTUP_FULL_PATH" ] && [ -e "$STARTUP_FULL_PATH" ]; then
    if [ -x "$STARTUP_FULL_PATH" ]; then
    message "unable to launch \"$1\" X session ---" \
    "\"$1\" not executable; falling back to default session."
    message "unable to launch \"$1\" X session ---" \
    "\"$1\" not found; falling back to default session."

    but I need a little help deciphering *why* it's throwing an error.

    Thanks, guys.
    we see things not as they are, but as we are.
    -- anais nin


      Re: 4.6 upgrade not going well...

      Having a conversation all by myself

      Think I may have found it.

      I've got kdm set to autologin so all I should have to do is log off and select the proper session. I'm at the office and the machine is at home so I'll have to report back later.
      we see things not as they are, but as we are.
      -- anais nin


        Re: 4.6 upgrade not going well...

        That fixed it. Fixing the panel transparency was easy also - I selected another panel theme and then set it back the way it was and it went transparent. I'm happy now
        we see things not as they are, but as we are.
        -- anais nin


          Re: [solved] 4.6 upgrade not going well...

          Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for letting us all know .... and sorry no one could help!


            Re: [solved] 4.6 upgrade not going well...

            Thanks - I heard from someone running another distribution that apparently KDE 4.6 has a different session name than 4.5.x and earlier - and since I had kdm set to autologin it choked on the old session name, which no longer existed. Selecting the session manually solved the problem.

            Interesting that I didn't have the same issue on my netbook, though.
            we see things not as they are, but as we are.
            -- anais nin

