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How can I go back to 4.5.5?

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    How can I go back to 4.5.5?

    Hi All

    Well temptation got the better of me and I installed the kde 4.6 RC2 on my maverick laptop. Boy I wish I had not! There are random kwin crashes whenever I do anything remotely challenging and an inevitable plasma crash on shutdown/restart etc. I was surprised as this is a second RC and, to cap it all, even the bug reporter won't work so I figure I'm better with 4.5 for now.

    I have tried ppa-purge in a terminal and get the following output

    PPA to be removed: kubuntu-ppa/beta/ ppa
    Warning: Could not find package list for PPA: kubuntu-ppa/beta/ ppa
    The name of the ppa seems right, is enabled as a repository, and seems to be found by ppa-purge, so what could be happening here please?

    Alternatively, is there a key kde package that I could select to uninstall and that, in doing so, I could remove the whole of the RC and then before rebooting reinstall 4.5.5? Risky I know but I don't seem to be getting very far with 4.6 at the mo.

    Thanks in advance


    Re: How can I go back to 4.5.5?

    first thing i notice is that space shoun't be there

    / ppa should be /ppa

    alfter that you remove it and enable the regular "stable" ppa you should be able to reinstall kubuntu-deskop or "upgrade" to 4.5.5 just don't remember what one :P
    Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
    (top of thread: thread tools)


      Re: How can I go back to 4.5.5?

      Thanks for that

      You are right, I had put a superfluous space in there.

      ppa-purge did indeed work, and it replaced 4.6RC2 with 4.5.1. However I was asked during the process about kdm (I think) and must have selected the wrong one when I rebooted because I wound up in a login loop. As I didn't have a wired connection I couldn't install anything so I did a reinstall from a USB stick - took 15 minutes to get a basic working system so no big deal.

