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Cannot create users on 10.10 64 fresh install

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    Cannot create users on 10.10 64 fresh install

    Hi folks, I tried kubuntu (32 bit version) by installing it on my regular ubuntu desktop, liked it, backed up and decided to do a complete fresh install. I used the 64 bit version of kubuntu 10.10.

    My own user (created at install) works great, but when I create a user account then try to log into that user the system states that the user must change their password (despite the password being set to never expire on system settings>user management). It then pops up a dialogue box to ask for a new password. Trouble is it won't let you type into this box, so you can't change your password, so the user is useless...

    Have tried a fresh install on this and made it the first thing I did so I could be sure nothing else I'd changed would be having an effect, still no joy. I've managed to create a user from terminal and kubuntu seems to accept it at login, but then hangs. Any ideas?

    System is an "Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q8200" with 4gig ram and a 1terabyte HD. Dual boot with XP.

    Re: Cannot create users on 10.10 64 fresh install

    Out of curiosity, have you tried the user editor in GTK also?

    As for the user you made from the console, you may have left out their shell type, home directory, etc. perhaps?


      Re: Cannot create users on 10.10 64 fresh install

      User editor in GTK worked fine. I found out how to administrate users from terminal (nice to know these things anyway) and luckily this works a charm. No idea why KDE's user admin front-end causes this issue.

      I've heard that the system clock oddly enough causes this error so I checked it was correct and even flashed my mobo firmware to the most up to date settings. No dice. On the other hand I now have the three users I need so all is well!


        Re: Cannot create users on 10.10 64 fresh install

        In the early days of 10.10 I had issues logging in and out of kde sessions. This was fixed by a kde update. I wonder whether there is a connection?

        If you are still running the kde version that shipped with 10.10 it is out of date. The current stable kde release (4.5.5) has come some way since then and might just be the solution to your problem.

        Install the following ppa to your repository list, if you have not already done so.

        then update and upgrade (preferably in the terminal).

        As a precautionary measure, once the upgrade has taken place do the following:

        sudo apt-get install plasma-desktop
        Failure to do that can result in a black screen on reboot, due to structural changes within kde.


