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Akonadi, Nepomuk, pop up Notes -- wish to disable

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    Akonadi, Nepomuk, pop up Notes -- wish to disable

    After a long time of using Kubuntu I found KDE 4 not to my liking and switched to MepisLinux for a few years. Am now trying Kubuntu 10.10 but find I do NOT like the pop up notes, nor do I wish to use Akonadi and Nepomuk. To this end can someone please answer the following questions.

    1. Is it safe to turn these off?

    2. How do I go about turning these off as they automatically turn back on again when I reboot?

    I've had a look in the forum and not been able to find anything about disabling these things in Kubuntu 10.10 - maybe I missed something, I don't know.

    I'd appreciate any help I can get as I find the actions of these so annoying at present it's enough to drive me away from Kubuntu again.

    All errors are the fault of the gremlin in the server

    Re: Akonadi, Nepomuk, pop up Notes -- wish to disable

    Yes, it's safe to turn these off.

    To turn off Nepomuk, go to System Settings -> Desktop Search and un-check the following: Enable Nepomuk Semantic Desktop and Enable Strigi Desktop File Indexer. Reboot your PC and Nepomuk/Strigi should no longer be running.

    Which pop-up notes do you mean, is it the Notifications pop-ups in the system tray. If so, right-click on the Information icon in the system tray, click on Notification Settings and then un-check both of the Pop Up Notices boxes.

    Regards .....
    Kubuntu User #9802
    Linux Registered User #357086


      Re: Akonadi, Nepomuk, pop up Notes -- wish to disable

      Thanks for that, will do.

      The notes is the yellow note p[ages that pop up on the desktop. I'm running an older P4 with PS2 keyboard and mouse through a PS2 KVM, every time I switch to that system via the KVM two or three yellow notes pop up with the number 19 in them. I can move the mouse over them and a widget control opens where I can then click on the crossed tools and get a sub-menu where I can tell it to delete it and it goes away. I'd rather not have it happen at all. I do NOT use or allow any Telnet style operations on the internal network and close off all such activities on each machine in the system, but this seems to be an internal process of some sort and I can't find where to kill it.
      All errors are the fault of the gremlin in the server


        Re: Akonadi, Nepomuk, pop up Notes -- wish to disable

        Did that, but found the Nepomuk server still gets loaded at start up. That seems to happen as part of the Akonadi load process.
        All errors are the fault of the gremlin in the server


          Re: Akonadi, Nepomuk, pop up Notes -- wish to disable

          Disable Nepomuk

          Open ~/.kde/share/config/nepomukserverrc and set "Start Nepomuk" to false.
          [Basic Settings]
          Start Nepomuk=false
          Open ~/.kde/share/config/kdedrc and set "autoload" to false for nepomuksearchmodule:
          Disable Akonadi

          Open ~/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc and set "StartServer" to false:
          Note: PIM (kontact) won't work with akonadi disabled.
          ASROCK Z87 Pro4 - i5 4670K - R9 270x ☞ Triple Boot: KDE NEON ★ Windows 10 ★ Windows 7


            Re: Akonadi, Nepomuk, pop up Notes -- wish to disable

            Originally posted by ubuntuku
            Disable Nepomuk

            Open ~/.kde/share/config/nepomukserverrc and set "Start Nepomuk" to false.
            [Basic Settings]
            Start Nepomuk=false
            Open ~/.kde/share/config/kdedrc and set "autoload" to false for nepomuksearchmodule:
            Disable Akonadi

            Open ~/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc and set "StartServer" to false:
            Note: PIM (kontact) won't work with akonadi disabled.
            Thanks for that, they work a treat. That's two out of three problems killed. Now they don't start up again with a reboot. I'm not worried about losing PIM as I don't use it at all. The closest I get to that is the contacts list in Thunderbird and I don't use that anywhere else - so it's no loss at all, but does save a little on sanity and resources.

            now if I can get rid of the Notes widget!!!

            Oh, I tried three time to kill the gnat on the screen before I realised what it was, it's way too late at night here for that sort of thing.


            All errors are the fault of the gremlin in the server


              Re: Akonadi, Nepomuk, pop up Notes -- wish to disable

              Originally posted by Deadly Ernest
              now if I can get rid of the Notes widget!!!
              If widgets are 'unlocked' just right-click on it and select Remove this Notes. Otherwise, unlock widgets and then procede to removing it.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Akonadi, Nepomuk, pop up Notes -- wish to disable

                That gets rid of the individual Notes message, but doesn't appear to disable the Notes Widget from putting a new one up next time. But I'll try it again, who knows, do it often enough it may turn itself off.
                All errors are the fault of the gremlin in the server


                  Re: Akonadi, Nepomuk, pop up Notes -- wish to disable

                  I must not be understanding your description. IF you remove a widget, it is removed - it does not continue to run. Are we talking about the same thing??
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: Akonadi, Nepomuk, pop up Notes -- wish to disable

                    I do hope so, as I've just done that again - maybe this time it'll stay gone.

                    The killing of Nepomuk and Akonadi has made a big difference. As has turning off most of the fancy desktop graphics actions.

                    Whatever happened to the concept of a simple desktop with a few icons on it that I placed there? Why do the developers have to make it so hard to NOT have one of their fancy ideas running? I often wonder whatever happened to the Keep It Simple and Stupid System of doing things.

                    I learned on DOS, migrated to Windows then migrated to Linux with KDE. But I do find the way things are done in KDE 4 be over complex and not intuitive to me the way the earlier versions were. Many of the new things, especially how to turn things off, in KDE 4 are difficult to find. I can see how some people would like them, but that doesn't mean we all do; hey not everyone wants a Rolls Royce or two tonne pick up, some of us want something different and in between those two.

                    Thanks to you all for the help.
                    All errors are the fault of the gremlin in the server

