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Kolourpaint transparency issues

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    Kolourpaint transparency issues


    I have been using Kubuntu for years (so please, don't answer with obvious things I've already tried), but now I've really stumbled upon a problem that is annoying that I can't solve.

    After upgrading to Meerkat, kolourpaint's transparent color stopped working. On zooms bigger than 100%, I get random garbage instead of the grid (on 100%, the grid is shown properly). And when I save the file, the transparent color is saved as white instead of transparent.

    Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this and how I could resolve this?

    Thank you.

    So far I've tried:
    Upgrading to KDE 4.5.3 (but kolourpaint stayed in 4.5.1)
    Reinstalling Kolourpaint
    Deleting kolourpaint's configuration from the .kde directory

    Re: Kolourpaint transparency issues

    Well, in Maverick Meerkat, and running KDE 4.5.3, kolourpaint is depricated - it can't be installed:
    paul@myotherbrain:~$ simI kolourpaint
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information... Done
    Package kolourpaint is not available, but is referred to by another package.
    This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
    is only available from another source
    However the following packages replace it:

    E: Package 'kolourpaint' has no installation candidate
    It's been replaced by kolourpaint4 which can be installed.
    paul@myotherbrain:~$ simI kolourpaint4
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree    
    Reading state information... Done
    The following NEW packages will be installed:
    0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
    Inst kolourpaint4 (4:4.5.3-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 Kubuntu Updates:10.10/maverick [i386])
    Conf kolourpaint4 (4:4.5.3-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 Kubuntu Updates:10.10/maverick [i386])
    So, if you still have kolourpaint uninstalled, and it's configuration directory deleted, install kolourpaint4.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Kolourpaint transparency issues

      Just as a note, using Kpackagekit to remove Kolourpaint removed all the attendant files.

      kolourpaint4 installed cleanly and works.



        Re: Kolourpaint transparency issues

        @Snowhog: Thanks for the tip, but I looked, and sadly, I already have Kolourpaint4.

        I tried removing it and reinstalling it with kpackagekit, and it still does the same thing.


          Re: Kolourpaint transparency issues

          You are aware that KPackagekit does not 'purge' packages that are marked for removal? The package configuration files are left intact, and so, a subsequent reinstallation doesn't create default configuation files, but uses those already present. But you said that you removed the config folders, so ...
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: Kolourpaint transparency issues

            I searched in all the usual suspect files, and didn't find any.

            If you would care to give a path to the correct file, I'll check there.



              Re: Kolourpaint transparency issues

              I just managed to reproduce the same bug on completely different hardware with Opensuse, so I guess this is a bug in Kolourpaint.

              I filed a bug report to kde.


                Re: Kolourpaint transparency issues

                KolourPaint 4.4.2 is totally screwed up in two distros, including Kubuntu.

                The interface is almost "semi-transparent" most of the buttons are not accessible or don't work at all.

                However AT LEAST.....I can use the eraser to make areas transparent.

                If someone wants to incur the ire of powers that be and apparently about half of the developers in Linuxdom...

                Then that someone could..... for once and for all....... make a paint application that does one and only one thing and keep it up to date through all iterations of Ubu or Debian.

                Make and app that does one and only one thing: using either bucket fill or an eraser, fill an image with with transparency.

                it is just amazing to me that such a simple program as MSPaint which has been around since the stone age does that one simple thing each and every time.

                GIMP requires that one reach completely around both elbows with the THIRD hand to get anywhere near doing a transparency fill. I have seen more instructions than I want to count....and every one of them has an EARLIER version of GIMP which uses layers and CUT and throw in a mop and sponge. AND I have had about fifteen people say "you can't do a transparency bucket fill"....

                Welll Kolour paint DID.....but apparently not any more...

                Kolourpaint doesn't, or didn't, do much and all the elites of "artsy stuff" put it down.....but it did a transparency fill with a simple click of the mouse...

                I realize that the situation is probably about two things....

                a) "the powers that be" doing what they dam# well want and the rest of the people get out of the way....

                The same thing happened when the Melbourne cut the Evans in half.....THEN the British Navy FINALLY came around to relaying an announcement command about their intentions BEFORE they did it instead of everybody just better get the he@@ out of the way....

                b) And.............we have the "pride" of people who are working on this or that and nobody had better step on MY turf...

                Given that ONE SIMPLE thing...I can understand comments that Linux in general not ready for prime time when....after almost 7 years in Linux one app can do it and the rest can't but now even THAT app is "deprecated"....

                What is LUDICROUS is that I can fire up a four year old install of Klikit and guess what.... with the click of the mouse transparency fill works.


                sorry for the rant. >



                  Re: Kolourpaint transparency issues

                  when I posted above I didn't mention that it was ok when i made the fourth above post, but, apparently, after updates, I regularly update the several distros on different HDs, the problem happened. Sorry.


                    Re: Kolourpaint transparency issues

                    Start KolourPaint from a Terminal like this:

                    kolourpaint --visual TrueColor


                      Re: Kolourpaint transparency issues

                      what worked for me was
                      kolourpaint --visual LowColor
                      Although i'm sure that limits the colors available (24bit colors instead of 32bit) but at least my kolourpaint works. I have this issue on my 64bit 10.04 ubuntu machine, but i'm finally happy i got kolourpaint to work!

                      kolourpaint --visual HighColor
                      does the same 24bit scaling down too. Same end result.


                        Re: Kolourpaint transparency issues

                        gj and zerin thanks for the tips!



                          Kolourpaint4 now operational after updates 3 feb 2011

                          Talk about one hand not knowing what the other one is doing!

                          A couple of days ago a Debian distro that I was using BECAUSE it had an operational Kolourpaint4 had the program start going through exactly what was going on with Kubu and other distros.

                          Today, I did my duitful updates for Kubu ....and guess what!? Kolourpaint4 is perfect!!

                          So...Debian..............the parent of Ubu, which is the parent or sibling of Kubu...does NOT have an operational Kolourpaint after updates, but ....Kubu which did not, now............does!

                          welll I'm ALL FOR THAT!!!!

                          I now kneel down and thank the great Kubu in the sky for small favours to us chilluns!



                            Kololourpaint degraded by compositing.

                            Well, I had a perfect Kolourpaint and decided to install CairoDock which requires compositing.

                            The distro did not have it so I installed Metacity and enabled compositing and Kolourpaint degraded then and there.

                            When I removed it then it "almost" came back....about 98 percent. It all worked.

                            This command, in terminal, does, indeed provide a complete, 100 percent Kolourpaint.

                            kolourpaint --visual LowColor

                            The other commands provide "almost".

                            Thanks for the tips guys!



                              Re: Kolourpaint transparency issues

                              removing metacity and then restarting completely restored kolourpaint.

                              It left, by the way "mutter" which then completely dominated the CPU cycles and i had to remove it also.

                              Didn't know that it was associated.


