When I logout of my desktop I am left with a black screen with the message:
I am aware nobody seems to know what this error means, as seen here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1443231
or how it is related to logout.
<Alt><Ctrl>Backspace doesn't get me anywhere and I have to resort to <Alt><Ctrl>F3 then restart KDM from the login prompt.
If I do <Alt><Ctrl>Backspace from the desktop to kill the Xserver then it does bring me back to the KDM login.
GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)
or how it is related to logout.
<Alt><Ctrl>Backspace doesn't get me anywhere and I have to resort to <Alt><Ctrl>F3 then restart KDM from the login prompt.
If I do <Alt><Ctrl>Backspace from the desktop to kill the Xserver then it does bring me back to the KDM login.