I'd like to get a fairly complete system monitor to show in one of my desktops at all times.
Ideally I'd like it to be relatively unobstrusive (small, possibly translucent). I used GKrellM under Mandrake in the past, but I think this is a pretty old project? is there a more modern equivalent?
the built in applet from KDE4 is not very good or customizable (for example I want my CPU temps in celsius)
what I would like to get:
scrolling CPU usage graph for each core
scrolling Ethernet usage
scrolling hard-drive usage graph (read/write) - showing current % full would nice
current CPU/machine temp
Ideally I'd like it to be relatively unobstrusive (small, possibly translucent). I used GKrellM under Mandrake in the past, but I think this is a pretty old project? is there a more modern equivalent?
the built in applet from KDE4 is not very good or customizable (for example I want my CPU temps in celsius)
what I would like to get:
scrolling CPU usage graph for each core
scrolling Ethernet usage
scrolling hard-drive usage graph (read/write) - showing current % full would nice
current CPU/machine temp