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Panel won't span screens

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    Panel won't span screens

    This maybe answered somewhere but my searches have revealed nothing excepts lots of irrelevant hits...

    I have two monitors and i am using nvidia twinview to get a single desktop. Under kde3 the kicker spanned both monitors _and_ kde understood the boundary so that windows resized to one monitor, snapped to the boundary etc.

    Since moving to kubuntu / kde4 the panel (as I think the kicker is now called) won't grow beyond the size of one monitor which is very annoying.

    Does anyone know how i can get a single panel 3200 pixels wide that spans both monitors?

    Re: Panel won't span screens

    Also having worked out how to get my desktop items back I can get them to cover only one physical screen (I can get them on both but you get two copies of everything). This is even more annoying than the "half a panel problem". Another problem is I have two cashews (one in the middle of the virtual screen). I have ihatethecashew running which works fine on my laptop but is confused and ineffective on this dual screen.

    I think it is something to do with containments and I think kde4 has setup two (one for each screen) which is why options set for the left screen don't apply to the right screen. If I right click I have to option of deleting the "desktop activity" but this does nothing and the plasma-desktop-appletsrc is very confusing (for instance I have 2 containments for wallpaper).

    I have also tried editing plasma-desktop-appletsrc to remove the offending containment and expand the left hand desktop containment to fill both physical screens - kde just ignores this and makes a new containment for the right hand screen. It is very annoying.

    Anyone any clues?

