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akonadi server - why do I have to manually start it?

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    akonadi server - why do I have to manually start it?

    KDE 4.4.00
    akonadi-server installed Version: 1.3.1-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa2

    Why doesn't the server start when the system boots? I know it isn't, because akonaditray shows it isn't, and I have to start it after the Desktop presents. If I don't start akonadi-server, then when I start Kontact and click on Contacts, the previously identified error occurs - the contents of your Contacts can't be displayed.

    Supposedly, akonadi is an integral part of the system now, so shouldn't it autostart without the user having to do so?
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

    Re: akonadi server - why do I have to manually start it?

    Hello Snowhog,

    As I understand it, the Akonadi server is only started when there is a need. If no apps need it then it remains dormant until an app requires it and it is started at that point.. I'm not sure why you are getting those errors, but for me akonadi starts up when I launch kmail and not before.

    Incidentally, it also remains running along with virtuoso/nepomukserver, and to my mind uses unnecessary resources (RAM particularly) so I have a little script to kill the whole lot after I'm done with my emails. Everything starts up again fine next time I launch kmail.




      Re: akonadi server - why do I have to manually start it?

      Thank you for post. It got me thinking (sometimes a dangerous thing!). I decided to Close Kontact and then reboot. This time, when the Desktop was loaded, I chose not to manually start Akonadi. I launched Kontact instead and observed what took place. Akonadi got launched. Then both Mail and KOrganizer were loaded. I waited until the KOrganizer notification (on the Panel) went away - a few seconds. Then I clicked on Contacts and what do you know, it displayed! I repeated this just to be sure, closing Kontact and rebooting and repeating the steps. Contacts display as expected.

      So, maybe I was just wasn't allowing enough time (?) to elapse before I clicked on Contacts, or something just 'fixed' itself? Either way, I'm a happy camper. I'll mark this as resolved.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: akonadi server - why do I have to manually start it?

        NOT resolved! This is (all sorts of expletives). A cold boot this morning, and when I launched Kontact the Akonadi Server Self-Test came up. This time is also showed that two services weren't available - my Contacts being one of them. Sure enough, clicking on Contacts produced the Akonadi not operation screen (red square/white X on the screen). In this condition, even configuring Akonadi and double-clicking Personal Contacts > OK doesn't do the job - I have to close Kontact and restart it. I can avoid this IF I configure Akonadi from the Akonaditray before I launch Kontact.

        What is going on? I have posts about this on KDE Community Forums, but so far, no suggestions as to what is happening, why it's happening, and more important to me, what (if anything) to do to fix it.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

