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Annoying KDE Wallet!!

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    Annoying KDE Wallet!!

    Hi all.

    Needless to say I think KDE 4 rocks! I would not have been here so long if it did not, just seems to get better and better with every update.

    That is with one exception...kde wallet. Rather than a lack of connectivity, it was kde wallet nagging for a password on every boot that sent me from knetwork manager to wicd. Now it's gone and done it again.

    I have just changed my online arrangements and now access my e-mail via imap with Gmail. I then found this terrific plasma widget for GMail (The google one only works on Linux and Mac) so I thought great! Now I can be notified when I have mail without having either FF or Tbird running

    However, following installation, every time I reboot I get kwallet telling me that plasma requires a password. It didn't take very long for me to become sufficiently irritated to uninstall the widget.

    I'm aware that the keyring in gnome does the same if auto-login is used and understand that the recommendation is to give the keyring a blank password on first use! I don't want to use that.

    Does anyone know of any way any way to stop this happening, as it kind of defeats my use of auto-login?


    Re: Annoying KDE Wallet!!

    I've stopped using kdewallet. It just seemed a little too much intervention for my tastes.

    You can disable it by going to KMenu > System Settings > Advanced > KDE Wallet.

    There, just uncheck the "Enable the KDE wallet subsystem"


      Re: Annoying KDE Wallet!!

      really my wallet seams to work correctly... i just give it a blank password and always use "allow always" when asked...
      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
      (top of thread: thread tools)


        Re: Annoying KDE Wallet!!

        I have a couple gmail accounts. Gmail has a tool that allows you to setup a forwarding system with your ISP, which is what I have done. Thus, all the gmail gets forwarded to my ISP account and appears automatically in Thunderbird without having to go to gmail or use an applet. I still go there occasionally to see what it's trapped that I may want to read, but mostly its a 1,000 or so pieces of junk mail that I never see.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Annoying KDE Wallet!!

          Originally posted by sithlord48
          really my wallet seams to work correctly... i just give it a blank password and always use "allow always" when asked...
          That's what I did and never have had issues.


            Re: Annoying KDE Wallet!!

            Myself, I just disabled KWallet. I don't mind having to type in pwds when/where required.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Annoying KDE Wallet!!

              I actually use KWallet with a password, but use Always Allow on everything so that I only get one prompt from KWallet when I first log in and then no more until I log out and back in again. I don't find it annoying at all. In fact, I hardly even notice it.

              One great thing is using KWallet with SSH Passwordless logins so I don't have to type my huge SSH password every time I login to a remote system.

              So, all in all, I love KWallet.


                Re: Annoying KDE Wallet!!

                Originally posted by tnorris
                One great thing is using KWallet with SSH Passwordless logins so I don't have to type my huge SSH password every time I login to a remote system.
                oh thats a good idea...... i use a key to get to my ssh server
                Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                (top of thread: thread tools)


                  Re: Annoying KDE Wallet!!

                  Originally posted by GreyGeek
                  I have a couple gmail accounts. Gmail has a tool that allows you to setup a forwarding system with your ISP, which is what I have done. Thus, all the gmail gets forwarded to my ISP account and appears automatically in Thunderbird without having to go to gmail or use an applet. I still go there occasionally to see what it's trapped that I may want to read, but mostly its a 1,000 or so pieces of junk mail that I never see.
                  Mine is an interesting setup. We have 2 internet connections here - a 20Mb Virgin Media cable connection and a 512kb ADSL connection (good old British Telecom!). For some time I have (unnecessarily) retained the adsl connection as the ISP in question simply because they had set up a domain for me.

                  With the aid of the IT guy at work I have transferred the domain out to another host who are doing simply that. I was also able to set up a gmail account and my address is a sub-account of that. So the mail is now held on gmail - now forwarding needed- which is very neat! You can't log directly into it from the gmail login screen in firefox, you have to go into the main account first. However, you can do with thunderbird, the very nice gmail extension for firefox and also the plasma applet - All 3 work great, just with the applet there is the password, and I find it strange that everything else can just launch but a little applet in the panel needs a password.

                  I'll try it with a blank password (and think I've figured out how to do it) but what secrurity risks do you folks think I might be taking?


                    Re: Annoying KDE Wallet!!

                    Originally posted by sithlord48
                    Originally posted by tnorris
                    One great thing is using KWallet with SSH Passwordless logins so I don't have to type my huge SSH password every time I login to a remote system.
                    oh thats a good idea...... i use a key to get to my ssh server
                    To get it to work right with KWallet you have do a bit of work.

                    1. Install ksshaskpass from the repos. (this adds a SSH prompt that integrates with KWallet)
                    2. Add the script below to ~/.kde/Autostart

                    export SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/bin/ssh-askpass
                    Now, whenever you login to KDE it will automatically add your SSH identity to ssh-agent and any ssh connection you have setup to be passwordless will just log right in.

                    Note, without the autostart script setup if you do a ssh from konsole you'll get the typical prompt because the SSH_ASKPASS variant isn't set.


                      Re: Annoying KDE Wallet!!

                      Originally posted by The Liquidator
                      I'll try it with a blank password (and think I've figured out how to do it) but what secrurity risks do you folks think I might be taking?
                      if you mean kwallet with out a pass i don't think its that big of a risk,if your thinking about using your google account with out a pass i would think thats generally a bad idea.
                      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                      (top of thread: thread tools)

