Investigating Konqueror Bugs
Now how intelligent is that! You must "compile KDE yourself (preferrably with --enable-debug) so the backtrace is useful,"! Konqeror, one of the CORE components of the KDE Desktop, and they don't have backtrace support natively available!? I've looked for a -dbg package for Konqueror, but one does not exist.
Why should a user have to compile backtrace support themselves!? Geez. :P
Konqueror crashes
The most useful information you can provide in that case is a backtrace, but you need to compile KDE yourself (preferrably with --enable-debug) so the backtrace is useful, or to use development packages. Official binary packages are "stripped", so they don't contain any useful information for a backtrace.
The most useful information you can provide in that case is a backtrace, but you need to compile KDE yourself (preferrably with --enable-debug) so the backtrace is useful, or to use development packages. Official binary packages are "stripped", so they don't contain any useful information for a backtrace.
Why should a user have to compile backtrace support themselves!? Geez. :P