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Opened windows leave panel sized gap at top

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    Opened windows leave panel sized gap at top

    HI there
    Running Kubuntu Jaunty KDE 4.3.2
    Noticed a new problem after the 4.3.2 update in that for some reason, any new window I open falls a little short of the top edge of the screen
    Yet I can resise it manually to fill the screen
    It's almost as if there is an invisible panel/toolbar at the top....
    Hope someone can help
    Viva Kubuntu!!
    Pentium 4 2.4Ghz
    2Gb RAM
    Oneiric Ocelot 11.10
    KDE 4.7.1

    Re: Opened windows leave panel sized gap at top

    I'm not sure if this is any help but try it...
    • Right-click the icon in the top left corner of the window and select Advanced from the menu. This lists a bunch of other settings including Fullscreen, No Borders, etc.
    • There's a couple there called Special Windows Settings and Special Applications Settings. Amongst a lot of other things they allow you to always open windows in a particular location. For example you can always centre non-maximised windows.

    It's just a guess but perhaps it's a setting in there ...


      Re: Opened windows leave panel sized gap at top

      Thanks but couldn't fix it. I also think that setting would have to be tweaked for every application....surely there must be a global setting somewhere??

      I remember having a similar issue in gnome but was directed to an easy fix via a reinstall of metacity

      Is ther something like that in KDE4??
      Viva Kubuntu!!
      Pentium 4 2.4Ghz
      2Gb RAM
      Oneiric Ocelot 11.10
      KDE 4.7.1


        Re: Opened windows leave panel sized gap at top

        Your right there is a panel at the top of the screen and possible one down the side

        I just had the same problem. There is an icon at both the top left and the top right of my screen. It looks a bit like the way children draw a sun in top corner of a page.

        Right mount click on it and select the "remove this panel"

        Voila problem/feature gone away!

