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Hardware Device (jockey-kde) doesn't work after upgrade

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    Hardware Device (jockey-kde) doesn't work after upgrade

    I recently upgraded to Jaunty from Intrepid - everything was fine.
    I upgraded KDE to 4.3 - everything was still fine... kind of...
    I got tons of hard locks where I had to hit reset. However, these were accompanied by video corruption identical to problems I was having in Intrepid with the nVidia drivers, only it didn't lock up. So the lockups are actually video driver problems and changing compositing from OpenGL to XRender cleared them up. But that's not so much an acceptable solution.
    SO... no problem, just update the video drivers... only Hardware Device doesn't work. Not sure if this is on the KDE side or the Jaunty side. jockey-kde will start, I'll see the icon bounce and get the window listed on my kicker as if it's about to come up, then nothing. I tried EnvyNG too... same thing. This was a known bug with the upgrade to Jaunty at some point and was fixed, but removing and reinstalling jockey did not resolve it.
    If Intrepid is any indication, I need to be able to easily switch between drivers to find the one that has the fewest bugs, but can't without jockey. Any one able to help? Otherwise EVERYTHING works and I am LOVING Kde 4.3!