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Mouse wheel desktop switching

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    Mouse wheel desktop switching

    New to KDE4 (Kubuntu Karmic using a 4.3 RC), I'm wondering how to get back one of my favourite features of compiz, now that I'm using KDE's own KWin. I would like to be able to switch desktops (workspaces) by moving my mouse to one of the screen edges (left or right) and using the mouse wheel. This is very fast, and doesn't require any keyboard shortcuts.

    I managed to configure KWin so that I can change desktops using the mouse wheel when placing it on the empty desktop. But that's not particularly useful, as most of the time some workspace is cover with a window, which stop the cycling of workspaces.

    I can also use the wheel on the pager widget, which is better but still not as good as using the desktop edges. If there's no way to do this yet, could someone direct me to the proper place to report this whishlist bug?

    Re: Mouse wheel desktop switching

    The closest I can give you is this:

    Open up the Desktop settings in System Settings (the pane where you set Kwin Desktop Effects). Click on the Screen Edges button on the far left. This will let you set actions to occur when you push the cursor towards a certain edge of the screen. Set one (or all) to either Desktop Grid or Desktop Cube, or set it to Present Windows- All if you just want to see all windows you have open.

    Hope this helps.
    # make install --not-war

