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Plasma startup problems...

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    Plasma startup problems...


    I was happily switched to KDE 4 from Gnome for 3 months now. But today I did a cold reboot, after my session hanged.

    Now the plasma wont start properly. The KDE session is not at all usable.

    I did following :

    1. Tried KDE session from a newly created user. -- Same issue : Hence not a problem of profile.
    2. Removed .kde , .kde4, .kde3 traces from everywhere possible.
    3. Removed all kde packages and reinstalled them.

    KDE installed : 4.2.3 from kubuntu-experimental PPA

    Still no luck. Attaching .xsession-errors file.

    Any help is appreciated. I am really missing KDE. A clean install is not an option.

    Attached Files

    Re: Plasma startup problems...

    Ok looks like a global problem.


      Re: Plasma startup problems...

      how do you removed things?
      with purge or just remove?

      try to be sure to purge all kde related packages and then do an autoremove, autoclean and download it again (the stable if possible)

      ps: that ubuntuforums thread is for koala


        Re: Plasma startup problems...

        Yes, I purged all kde packages and then re installed. Yes, I am on Koala, but I am using kubuntu-experimental jaunty repos. I guess they are pushing 4.3B1 packages and its currently in broken state. I can see lot of my KDE packages are versioned 4.2.85 now.


          Re: Plasma startup problems...

          The problem appears to be widespread throughout the community. It is not a question of any one individual's configuration.

          We are at the very beginning of a new release cycle and I am hopeful that we will see this one fixed soon.

