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Need to set username and password manually somehow in vmware kde

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    Need to set username and password manually somehow in vmware kde

    I installed VMWare Kubuntu on Windows Vista. Under system settings > internet & networks > connections > proxy > Use the following login information section is disabled. Whenever I use a browser it prompts me for a user name and password. But when synching the system clock with a time server it gives an error saying unable to connect to time server

    Is there a way around this to manually set the username and password somewhere?

    Thank You

    Re: Need to set username and password manually somehow in vmware kde

    Open a konsle and issue
    sudo systemsettings

    This will give you root access, where you can make changes that would normally be grayed out.
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    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Need to set username and password manually somehow in vmware kde

      Yes for the system password you are correct. But for proxy authentication it leads me back to the system settings window. I have tried doing it manually by pointing to a text file that has the following line:
      export http_proxy=http://usernameassword@ipaddress:8080
      It still does not recognize it. Does the ipaddress field has to be the real ip address or the url? I've tried both though and neither worked.

      Any other suggestions? Remember I have a VM ubuntu running on Vista.


