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Nepomuk&Strigi, enable and use

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    Nepomuk&Strigi, enable and use

    This was with the Kubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope (alpha-5)

    Linking to > Re: Jaunty Release Schedule, Plans, KDE 4.2 (Nepomuk (& Strigi))

    Few bug reports


    Few soprano links (sesame2)

    > [FIXED] Soprano without sesame2 backend? Arch
    > Is Strigi REALLY usable? Arch
    > Opensuse 11.1 & soprano Suse


    Here with the default installation

    System Settings > (Advanced) > Desktop Search -> Strigi Desktop File Indexer is telling
    Failed to contact Strigi indexer (Could not get owner of name '': no such name)
    and the command
    nepomukservicestub nepomukstrigiservice
    is telling
    nepomukstrigiservice(5052) Nepomuk::StrigiService::StrigiService: Will not start when using redland Soprano backend due to horrible performance.
    Installing the package: soprano-backend-sesame
    backend for Soprano RDF framework
    Still the strigi can't start.

    The command
    ldd /usr/lib/soprano/
    is telling => not found
    but, i have (OpenJDK Java & Sun Java):
    Making a symlink:
    sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/server/ /usr/lib/
    so now:
    ls -l /usr/lib/
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 57 2009-03-10 11:15 /usr/lib/ -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/server/
    ldd /usr/lib/soprano/ => /usr/lib/ (0xb73c1000)

    After this, when clicking the "Enable Strigi Desktop File indexer" there is a notification:
    Strigi file indexing started. Indexing all files for fast desktop searches may take a while.


    After a while the idexing is done.

    Using Nepomuk&Strigi

    > HOWTO: Desktop Search in Ubuntu Intrepid in KDE 4.2
    For searching now, open Dolphin and in the topbar enter the following.
    > Discover Nepomuk As a User
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    Re: Nepomuk&Strigi, enable and use

    Part II
    This was with the Kubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope (Final)

    A step forward

    When going to the System Settings > (Advanced) > Desktop Search
    The is a notication:
    Nepomuk Configuration recommends installing packages for extra semantic desktop functionality

    If you click the notification icon the sesame2 backend will be installed.


    The command
    ldd /usr/lib/soprano/
    is telling => not found
    and the Nepomuk is still using the Redland backend.


    I have the Sun java installed (kubuntu-restricted-extras). The command
    is telling:
    making a symlink:
    sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- /usr/lib/
    so now:
    ls -l /usr/lib/
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 62 2009-05-04 20:28 /usr/lib/ -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
    ldd /usr/lib/soprano/ => /usr/lib/ (0xb7418000)
    there is also alternative to the linking >

    Tag search - The Redland Soprano backend has a horrible performance ?

    With the default Redland backend the tag search is not working. There is high CPU load and empty Dolphin/Nepomuk search window > Topic: Nepomuk does not seach for tags.

    Installing the sesame backend and doing some testing

    Installing the sesame backend and turning the Nepomuk search on:
    System Settings > (Advanced) > Desktop Search > Enable Nepomuk Semantic Desktop

    Setting a tag at the Dolphin.

    Searching the tag with the krunner (Alt+F2)

    The Dolphin is showing the Nepomuksearch

    With the Sesame2 backend and the symlink to the Java, the tag search seems to work. With the default Redland backend there is high cpu load and no results.
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      Re: Nepomuk&Strigi, enable and use

      After the Java upgrade

      Today there was an upgrade to the Java:
      The following packages will be upgraded:
      sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre
      Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
      Get: 1 jaunty-updates/multiverse sun-java6-bin 6-14-0ubuntu1.9.04 [29.1MB]
      Preparing to replace sun-java6-bin 6-13-1 (using .../sun-java6-bin_6-14-0ubuntu1.9.04_i386.deb) ...
      Aftere the upgrade the Strigi/Nepomuk stopped to work -> the symlink was still pointing to the:
      :~$ ls -l /usr/lib/
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 62 2009-05-04 20:28 /usr/lib/ -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
      So, removing the old link:
      sudo rm /usr/lib/
      Locating the
      sudo updatedb
      Making a new link:
      sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- /usr/lib/
      ls -l /usr/lib/
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 62 2009-07-17 15:39 /usr/lib/ -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
      ...and the Strigi/Nepomuk is again up and running...
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

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        Re: Nepomuk&Strigi, enable and use

        Thanks a lot for this Rog131, this is extremely helpful, including the link to the Howto and the update after the Java update.

        I still have a problem: Strigi seems to have lost all the tags I created previously. In Dolphin, if I select a file I had previously assigned tags to, it shows nothing now, which means that I have to re-tag all the files I had already tagged ...

        Is there any way to restore my previous tags?

        Many thanks,


          Re: Nepomuk&Strigi, enable and use

          Is there any way to restore my previous tags?
          I think that they are lost . Have you tried with the Gwenview. The Gwenview should show all tags (tag cloud) at the start page.

          The Nepomuk is still experimental with the KDE 4.2 and the KDE 4.3. > Trueg:
          Nepomuk has been around for quite a while but the functionality exposed in KDE 4.3 is still not that impressive. This does not mean that there does not exist cool stuff. It only means that there is not enough developer power to get it all stable and integrated perfectly...
          Maybe a year more and with the KDE 4.5 there is a stable Nepomuk with the tools to manage the tags database (+ documentation).
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            Re: Nepomuk&Strigi, enable and use

            Thanks. No sign of tags with Gwenview either ... It's such a useful functionality for me, I have hundreds of academic articles I need to be able to sort through relatively quickly, and this is just what I need to do it. I'll be patient and wait for KDE 4.5 ...



              Re: Nepomuk&Strigi, enable and use

              Hi Rog,

              First I want to say thanks for the above instructions which I used previously and all was good. 8)

              All of a sudden I'm now getting this message when I log on with nepomuk enabled or if I disable and re-enable it.
              Converting Nepomuk data to a new backend. This might take a while.
              Converting Nepomuk data to the new backend failed. Data may still be recovered manually though.
              If you, or anyone else, has any ideas I'd be grateful. I would even be prepared to delete the existing cache and start again if necessary, but I don't know where it is.


              Oops. Forgot to say I'm using KDE 4.3 RC2.


                Re: Nepomuk&Strigi, enable and use

                Originally posted by Rog131


                Making a new link:
                sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- /usr/lib/
                ls -l /usr/lib/
                lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 62 2009-07-17 15:39 /usr/lib/ -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
                ...and the Strigi/Nepomuk is again up and running...
                /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun is symlinked to the currently installed version (currently /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- So you could probably avoid this problem in the future by using this command instead
                sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/i386/server/ /usr/lib/
                Also, on a amd64 system you would need to change the link slightly
                sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/amd64/server/ /usr/lib/


                  Re: Nepomuk&amp;Strigi, enable and use

                  Hey ! - that "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/i386/server/" or/and "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/amd64/server/" is a good tip. Thank you !

                  Converting Nepomuk data to the new backend failed. Data may still be recovered manually though.
                  That sounds bad.

                  I would even be prepared to delete the existing cache and start again if necessary, but I don't know where it is.
                  The Nepomuk is keeping settings and data/index at the ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/... I have removed the "nepomuk" directory and everything beneath it several times.

                  Maybe if you move (rename): ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/ is enough.

                  KDE 4.2 vs KDE 4.3

                  Here the KDE 4.3 (Karmic) Nepomuk store size is about 10 % of the KDE 4.2 (Jaunty) Nepomuk store size. They are indexing same directories. I'm not sure if the KDE 4.3 packing is more efficient or is the KDE 4.3 Nepomuk losing something.
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                    Re: Nepomuk&amp;Strigi, enable and use

                    Thanks for the advice Rog.
                    Maybe if you move (rename): ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/ is enough.
                    Yes, that sorted the problem so everythng is good again

                    Also thanks to skunk for his tip!



                      Re: Nepomuk&amp;Strigi, enable and use

                      Thanks for the useful tutorial

                      Natty Narwhal 11.4 KDE 4.4.3


                        Re: Nepomuk&amp;Strigi, enable and use

                        How to set up the Nepomuk and Strigi with the Kubuntu 9.04 & 9.10
                        (working here, may or may not work there)

                        A) Install Java

                        I'm using the Sun Java installed by the metapackage /1/ kubuntu-restricted-extras /2/

                        B) Install Sesame backend for Soprano /3/

                        As default the Kubuntu (9.04&9.10) is coming with the Redland backend. More of the Sesame and the Redland: /4/.

                        C) Make a symlink, without it the Sesame can't find the Java /5/

                        Konsole (i have a 32 bit system - i386):
                        sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/i386/server/ /usr/lib/
                        with the amd64:
                        sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/amd64/server/ /usr/lib/

                        D) Set up and start the Nepomuk and the Strigi

                        System Settings > Advanced > Desktop Search

                        What's possible with Nepomuk/Strigi in KDE 4.3

                        - If the Strigi is enabled it is possible to do keyword search with the Dolphin/KRunner.

                        There are stand alone applications for this, picking one > Recoll It is in the repositories.

                        - Dolphin's Information panel can show the exiv /6/ information if the image file has been indexed by the Nepomuk (and strigi) /7/,/8/.

                        The nepomuk/strigi is reading the jpeg resolution information from the "ExifIFD". It doesn't understand other markings (IFD0

                        Other options > Exif information context menu

                        - Dolphin's Information panel can show the metadata information of the file (mp3). If the file information is in the Nepomuk database /9/.

                        Other options > Topic: Mediainfo application on Linux

                        > How To Enable Nepomuk/Strigi Desktop Search in Kubuntu 9.10/KDE4.3
                        > Nepomuk/Strigi Search under KDE 4.3/Squeeze
                        > Nepomuk, Strigi, 4.3 - again...!
                        > What's possible with Nepomuk/Strigi in KDE 4.2.2
                        > Trueg's Blog

                        /1/ > MetaPackages

                        /2/ Package: kubuntu-restricted-extras
                        This package depends on some commonly used packages in the Kubuntu
                        multiverse repository.

                        Installing this package will pull in support for MP3 playback and decoding,
                        Java runtime environment, Flash plugin, DVD playback, and LAME (to create
                        compressed audio files)...
                        /3/ Package: soprano-backend-sesame
                        backend for Soprano RDF framework

                        Soprano is a pluggable RDF storage, parsing, and serialization framework based
                        on Qt 4. Soprano is targeted at desktop applications that need to store RDF
                        data. Its API has been optimized for simplicity and ease of use, while its
                        modular structure allows it to use various different RDF storage
                        implementations as its backend.

                        This package contains the Sesame backend for Soprano, which requires Java.
                        /4/ Nepomuk + Strigi --> Resolving the mystery

                        /5/ Bug: 334186 soprano-backend-sesame requires missing /usr/lib/

                        /6/ Exiv wiki

                        /7/ Strigi, Nepomuk and KDE 4.2 - hopefully a good team

                        /8/ Nepomuk and Dolphin

                        /9/ Media Players
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                          Re: Nepomuk&amp;Strigi, enable and use

                          I believe the Java in kubuntu-restricted-extras is IcedTea

                          I believe the real Sun Java can be installed using sun-java6-jre


                            Re: Nepomuk&amp;Strigi, enable and use

                            I believe the Java in kubuntu-restricted-extras is IcedTea

                            I believe the real Sun Java can be installed using sun-java6-jre
                            Log of sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras
                            Sun Nov 1 19:45:42 2009

                            Reading package lists...
                            Building dependency tree...
                            Reading state information...
                            The following extra packages will be installed:
                            cabextract flashplugin-installer gsfonts-x11 java-common libasound2-plugins
                            libavcodec52 libavformat52 libavutil49 libgsm1 libk3b6-extracodecs libmad0
                            libmp3lame0 libofa0 liboil0.3 libpostproc51 libschroedinger-1.0-0
                            libswscale0 libtunepimp5 libtunepimp5-mp3 libxine1-ffmpeg odbcinst1debian1
                            sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre ttf-liberation ttf-mscorefonts-installer
                            unixodbc unrar
                            The following NEW packages will be installed:
                            cabextract flashplugin-installer gsfonts-x11 java-common
                            kubuntu-restricted-extras libasound2-plugins libavcodec52 libavformat52
                            libavutil49 libgsm1 libk3b6-extracodecs libmad0 libmp3lame0 libofa0
                            liboil0.3 libpostproc51 libschroedinger-1.0-0 libswscale0 libtunepimp5
                            libtunepimp5-mp3 libxine1-ffmpeg odbcinst1debian1 sun-java6-bin
                            sun-java6-jre ttf-liberation ttf-mscorefonts-installer unixodbc unrar
                            0 upgraded, 28 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
                            Get:1 karmic/main java-common 0.30ubuntu5 [80.3kB]
                            Get:5 karmic/multiverse sun-java6-bin 6-15-1 [29.1MB]
                            Selecting previously deselected package java-common.
                            Unpacking java-common (from .../java-common_0.30ubuntu5_all.deb) ...
                            Selecting previously deselected package sun-java6-jre.
                            Unpacking sun-java6-jre (from .../sun-java6-jre_6-15-1_all.deb) ...
                            Package configuration
                            Operating System Distributor License for Java v1.1 (DLJ)
                            Operating System Distributor License for Java version 1.1 (DLJ)

                            In order to install this package, you must agree to its license terms, the "Operating System Distributor License for Java" (DLJ), v1.1. Not accepting will cancel the installation.
                            Do you agree with the DLJ license terms?
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                            Why there are dead links ?
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                              Re: Nepomuk&amp;Strigi, enable and use

                              Heres mine...

                              sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras
                              Reading package lists... Done
                              Building dependency tree
                              Reading state information... Done
                              The following extra packages will be installed:
                              ca-certificates-java icedtea-6-jre-cacao icedtea6-plugin
                              libaccess-bridge-java libaccess-bridge-java-jni libavcodec52 libjline-java
                              openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-jre-headless openjdk-6-jre-lib rhino tzdata-java
                              Suggested packages:
                              libjline-java-doc ttf-kochi-gothic ttf-sazanami-gothic ttf-kochi-mincho
                              ttf-sazanami-mincho ttf-telugu-fonts ttf-oriya-fonts ttf-kannada-fonts
                              ttf-bengali-fonts rhino-doc
                              The following packages will be REMOVED:
                              libavcodec-extra-52 libavcodec-unstripped-52
                              The following NEW packages will be installed:
                              ca-certificates-java icedtea-6-jre-cacao icedtea6-plugin
                              kubuntu-restricted-extras libaccess-bridge-java libaccess-bridge-java-jni
                              libavcodec52 libjline-java openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-jre-headless
                              openjdk-6-jre-lib rhino tzdata-java
                              0 upgraded, 13 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
                              Need to get 33.9MB of archives.
                              After this operation, 89.4MB of additional disk space will be used.
                              Do you want to continue [Y/n]?

