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kde 4.2 plasma memory consumption

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    kde 4.2 plasma memory consumption

    Since upgrading kde to 4.2 I've noticed that plasma memory usage growing quite rapidly to about 300M in about a day. Anyone else noticed something like that ?

    Re: kde 4.2 plasma memory consumption

    upgraded a test system to 4.2 today (4.2 has made it into the official repositories).
    plasma obviously suffers from a serious memory leak.
    i lose a 4kb chunk every second (more or less).
    which adds up to about 330mb in a day.
    well spotted.

    it doesn't seem to be doing it on my other system, though.

    will check launchpad for bugs...
    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: kde 4.2 plasma memory consumption

      Very interested about the packages on the system where it doesn't happen !


        Re: kde 4.2 plasma memory consumption

        both systems are set up basically the same.
        i have the same stuff on both.
        mainly qt applications (kmail, konqueror, akregator, knetworkmanager, kwallet, amarok, okular, dragon player).
        a few gtk applications (synaptic, firefox)
        i had them both on kde4.1.4 and updated to kde4.2 through the official updates that popped up a couple of days ago in the repos.
        main difference is one has an intel integrated graphics card (the one that leaks - used by wife at home).
        the other has an nvidia graphics card (the one that doesn't - though i've seen a growth of about 80kb in about 4 hours).
        oh, no, wait.
        the leaking one has the latest -server kernel (i wanted to address all of the 4gb of ram without having to install 64bit kubuntu).
        the other has the latest -generic kernel.
        anything useful?
        gnu/linux is not windoze

