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No wireless on KDE 3.5.?

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    No wireless on KDE 3.5.?

    I just reinstalled Kubuntu and Ubuntu on my laptop. I have been using KDE since
    version 0.1 (I think 1998) and decide I wanted to give Gnome a serious try. I have
    been using every version of Kubuntu since 6.04.

    I installed Ubuntu 8.04.2 (64 bit) and then installed the KDE 3.5 desktop; it would
    not install the Gnome desktop from Kubuntu 8.04.1. It works great -- except -- no
    wireless on KDE! It does not show the icon applet in the system tray that indicates a
    connection. It always connects automatically when connected to the ethernet cable. I
    tried connecting through Wireless Lan Manager but it will not connect. iwconfig
    showed everything normal. System Setting - Network Setting shows that the connection
    is OK. When I go to Gnome, it connects to wireless automatically just like KDE used
    to. I do not know the name of the connection applet so I can check the installation.

    Can any supply the name of the internet connection applet in KDE 3.5 so I can
    install it? Thanks.

    Jon Piper

    Re: No wireless on KDE 3.5.?

    KNetworkManager is what I use to handle all my connections. You should already have it. It should be listed in the "internet" tools in the K Menu.

    If you don't have it, I'd say it's a safe bet that's it's in the repositories.
    Sony Vaio VGN NR260E<br />Linux Kubuntu 9.04\Windoze 7 Professional<br /><br />Sony Vaio VPCF1190X<br />Linux Kubuntu 10.04/Windoze 7 Home Premium<br /><br />Linux user #478627


      Re: No wireless on KDE 3.5.?

      Thanks divide0. Unfortunately, tried that -- won't connect except in Gnome - thats what I am using now. I think I've got a conflict but don't have a clue what it is.

      Tried KDE this evening and the wireless icon showed up in the panel but would not connect. ifconfig shows a connection.

      I'd appreciate any ideas.


