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Screensaver Help

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    Screensaver Help

    Hi, I'm fairly new to linux/kubuntu and I am loving it. I recently downloaded and installed the kcometen4 screensaver and I installed it without problems. The only thing is I cant find it in the list of available screensavers in the desktop settings. If someone could direct me as how to get the screensaver as one of the options that would be great. Currently I can go to /usr/local/bin/kcometen4.kss and run that and it works fine as a windowed version but I want to set it as my default screensaver.



    Re: Screensaver Help

    KCometen4 ( / KCometen4 (Home)

    You probably have read from the

    set as default screensaver
    by dutchslab on: Dec 18 2008


    Very cool screensaver!

    I'm running KDE4 on Kubuntu.

    I managed to compile and and also ran make install.

    If I type kcometen4.kss, the demo works fine, but if go to System Settings, Desktop, Screen Saver, it doesnt show up.

    How would I go about configuring this as the default screensaver?
    Re: set as default screensaver
    by jstamp on: Dec 19 2008


    I mentioned a fix above but it got buried in a thread. It looks like KDE isn't searching for screensaver .desktop files under /usr/local.

    A quick workaround is to copy kcometen4.desktop into your user settings. Some distros have that under ~/.kde4, but Ubuntu's is under ~/.kde So:

    cp kcometen4.desktop \

    It should now appear in System Settings.

    There is also "INSTALL" - instruction file inside the 87586-kcometen4-1.0.3.tar.gz package.

    Trying this with the Kubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope (alpha-4)

    Building a .deb package and installing it , updating available applications /1/ (in the konsole):
    and System Settings > Desktop > Screen Saver >...

    ...seems to work.

    (Dropping sources to the > Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu >> PPA for Rog131)

    You could check/search /2/ (in the konsole):
    #1 Update/make database
    sudo updatedb
    #2 Use locate
    locate kcometen4
    There should be (here is):

    /1/ man kbuildsycoca4
    kbuildsycoca4 - Rebuilds the system configuration cache.
    /2/ man locate
    locate - find files by name

    locate [OPTION]... PATTERN...

    locate reads one or more databases prepared by updatedb(8) and writes file names matching at least one of the PATTERNs to standard
    output, one per line.
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Screensaver Help

      Thank you so much! I located the file using locate and copied it in to the right directory, and now it works!



        Re: Screensaver Help

        after fresh install of kubuntu and the kde 4.2 upgrade (had the errors during upgrade but fixed with instructions given) I had the same problem of no windows and couldn't type anything.

        Did what Kubicle said after ctrl alt f1 and then sudo apt-get --reinstall install kde-window-manager and a restart, everything seems to be fine now.

        Thanks kubicle....I've wasted many hours the last few days until this.

