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(Solved) Backup is eating my drive space

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    (Solved) Backup is eating my drive space

    Sometime ago I was looking for a backup solution, and found a couple of solutions. Unfortunately, I can't remember all that I tried. One of the programs is backing up my whole drive into /var, and I don't have enough storage for that. I don't remember which program I used. How do I find the process (daemon?) that is doing this? I keep getting the login loop, then have to go delete the *.tar.gz file before I can login. Is there a log file that will point the way? Which one? I've also typed "backup" in synaptic looking for packages that I installed, but other than Keep, which I'm now using, there are no other clues. Please help.

    Re: Backup is eating my drive space


    any of those perhaps?
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: Backup is eating my drive space

      Originally posted by mpstump

      One of the programs is backing up my whole drive into /var
      Yeah, you don't want to do that. Backup your data only, not software.

      If you want to preserve the software setup, use aptoncd from here:


        Re: Backup is eating my drive space

        Thanks for the reply, but none of those are installed. I think I need a breathalizer installed on this thing, instead of a superuser password . I'm thinking back and I think it was a script, not a package, which is going to be even more fun trying to find. Oh well...

        Dibl, thanks for the reply as well. I do have aptoncd installed, just backed up my packages.


          Re: Backup is eating my drive space

          I'm still struggling with this. I think I'm on to something, though. I noticed my system behaving a little slowly, so I checked my system monitor, and found the process "tar" running, without me doing anything. So, I right clicked on it, and said to jump to parent process, which led me to "backup-manager". There are no other parent processes. I can't find a package with that title though. Does anybody have any hints on how to find what is activating this process? I can kill it, but I'm sure it will come back. I think it's a cron thing, but everytime I try to run cron I get
          cron: can't lock /var/run/, otherpid may be 5987: Resource temporarily unavailable


            Re: Backup is eating my drive space

            I guess their was a package called backup-master on my system, even though it didn't show up in adept. I had to use apt from the command line to remove it. Geez, that one little program caused me so much grief. Well, another lesson learned.


              Re: (Solved) Backup is eating my drive space

              proviso: I'm not on kubuntu but if the following commands are not 1:1 applicable to kubuntu then they'll be quite similar.

              Right, that out of the way you could check whether it nested itself in crontab:

              crontab -l
              Anything useful there?

              If not, update your local database

              sudo updateb
              Now do a
              locate backup
              It will prolly spurt out tons of stuff, some of which might be less useful than other. Either way, you can filter your output ny appending
              |grep TERM_TO_FILTER
              or pipe the output into a file by appending
              > file_name
              Or indeed you can do both together to peruse over the output at your leisure and pick out which backup programme you are dealing with.

              Personally I'd start with

              locate backup|grep bin
              to check for executables.

              Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                Re: (Solved) Backup is eating my drive space

                I don't know what happened there Glad it got sorted though and I could have saved myself a lot of typing
                Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                  Re: (Solved) Backup is eating my drive space

                  Originally posted by toad
                  I don't know what happened there Glad it got sorted though and I could have saved myself a lot of typing
                  That's ok Toad, I just learned some new commands for the next time I do this

                  Thanks for the reply.

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