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KDE 4 taskbar

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    KDE 4 taskbar

    Is there a way that you can move the items you put on the taskbar where you want them? If so how?
    Kubuntu 9.04<br /><br /><br />

    Re: KDE 4 taskbar

    Right click on the panel and unlock widgets. Then right click on it again and you will have Panel options (or settings - not sure which now as I'm not at my 'buntu machine).

    A bar should appear above the panel to configure a few things. At that point move the cursor to the item you wish to move. If it is moveable the cursor will turn into a cross hair. Click and drag you where you want to move it.



      Re: KDE 4 taskbar

      Assuming that, by "taskbar", you are referring to the "panel" (the black bar where the K-menu, task manager, system tray, clock, etc. reside)...

      1.) Ensure that the plasmoids/widgets are unlocked. Right-click on the panel or the desktop (not the folder view of /home/desktop, but the "actual" desktop) and select "unlock widgets".

      2.) Click on the cashew at the right-hand end of the panel.

      3.) Hold the cursor over the widget(s) you wish to move. A set of arrows should appear.

      4.) Drag the widget(s) in question to the desired position.

      5.) When done, right-click on the panel or the desktop and select "lock widgets". The cashew mentioned in step 2 will disappear, and the plasmoids will be locked in their current positions.

      Hope this helps...
      Hardware: Toshiba Satellite A205-S4607<br />OS: Kubuntu 11.10 (KDE 4.7.2), Windows Vista Home Premium (SP 2)

