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Disable applications autostart ?

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    Disable applications autostart ?


    I've just installed a fresh version of Kubuntu 8.10, then upgraded to KDE 4.2 beta.

    How to prevent applications from starting automatically at logon ? For example, I do not use kdenetworkmanager, how to disable it ? What I've checked :

    - Session is configured to start empty
    - ~/kde/Autostart is empty
    - ~/.config/autostart is empty
    - kdenetoworkmanager is not in /usr/share/autostart
    - it is not listed in System Settings -> Autostart
    - I've disabled NetworkManager (with sysv-rc-conf)

    So, from where does it starts ?


    Re: Disable applications autostart ?

    How to prevent applications from starting automatically at logon ? For example, I do not use kdenetworkmanager
    kdenetworkmanager ? Do you mean knetworkmanager ?

    Package: knetworkmanager
    This is a dummy package to depend on network-manager-kde for upgrades, it can be safely removed. .
    knetworkmanager depends: network-manager-kde

    Package: network-manager-kde
    KDE systray applet for controlling NetworkManager

    systray applet for controlling network connections managed by NetworkManager. It is mainly written for KDE but also works for other desktop environments like GNOME or Xfce. .
    It will install: /etc/xdg/autostart/knetworkmanager-autostart.desktop
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Disable applications autostart ?

      Thanks ! I removed some stuffs from here that I don't need.

      The only thing is that I have to remove files from here every time packages are updated...


        Re: Disable applications autostart ?

        If you know you are not going to use the package, remove it. If removed, it won't update.

