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Major Crash Here

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    Re: Major Crash Here

    ok first thing..tried the dpkg repair first error is
    RM:cannot remove '/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*!' no such file or directory
    dpkg!dependency problems prevent configuration of gnome-system-monitor:

    secondly i trried xserver repair and get the following error
    xserver-xorg,postinst warning;overwriting possibly-customised configuration file;back up in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20081115194139

    does this help any?


      Re: Major Crash Here

      sorry or the wait
      heres boot up
      Ubuntu 8.10,kernel 2.6.27-8 generic
      Ubuntu 8.10,kernel 2.6.27-8(recovery mode)
      Ubuntu 8.10,kernel 2.6.24-21 generic
      Ubuntu 8.10,kernel 2.6.24-21(recovery mode)
      Ubuntu 8.10,kernel 2.6.24-16 generic
      Ubuntu 8.10,kernel 2.6.24-16(recovery mod)
      Ubuntu 8.10 memtest86+
      other operating systems:
      microsoft window xp professional



        Re: Major Crash Here

        ok ran apt-get update
        heres what i get w:failed to fetch could not resolve ''
        E:dkg was must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem

        when i do that from the root promt nothing changes


          Re: Major Crash Here

          I don't know if it's going to work, but if you get to the root prompt and type: kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list you should be able to comment out the offending line in your sources.list.

          The line.

          Incidentally, i hope that's a spelling mistake in there.


            Re: Major Crash Here

            tried and says cannot connect to server


              Re: Major Crash Here

              I wasn't very clear, i apologise.

              If you type kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list into the root terminal, and put a # sign in front of that line, it won't even try to connect to it.

              The same as some of the other lines.


                Re: Major Crash Here

                sorry aged now you have lost me..
                i enter wat you say but put #in what line and how do i find that line?


                  Re: Major Crash Here

                  Is there a typo in that URL?

                  Originally posted by hatman
         could not resolve ''
                  or is it really supposed to be that way?

                  Have you modified your sources list recently (like since the last update)?


                    Re: Major Crash Here

                    dib i wouldn't know how to do that..
                    i am trying to get my system back to working state..if i wasnt for a couple files i need i would wipe the whole thing


                      Re: Major Crash Here


                      Well, that particular repository is totally non-essential, so let's follow AH's advice and comment it out. What you need to do is open Kate in Super User (aka "root") mode. Do Alt-F2 and enter "kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list", press Enter, and the Konsole should open with your sources list file ready to edit.

                      If that works, carefully scroll down the file until you see the line that matches the one that you posted above. Position your cursor at the beginning of that line, and use Shift-3 to insert a "#" mark at that point, and then hit the spacebar to add a space. So it should look like this:

                      # [url][/url]
                      The press "File > Save" in kate, and you can then exit kate.

                      Then open the Konsole with Alt-F2 "konsole" and issue

                      sudo apt-get update
                      sudo apt-get upgrade
                      and let's see what you get.


                        Re: Major Crash Here

                        ok heres what happens
                        when i am at root i hit alt f2 and just get a blank screen with curser blinking in top left corner..

                        i the entered kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list and get the following error\

                        cannot connect to the x server


                          Re: Major Crash Here

                          Yes, kate will not run because it is a graphical program. Try using "pico" instead.

                          Also: your error above is confusing (there seems to be a typo somewhere)

                          It may be the case that you have no network connection when you are dropped to the root account. To verify that, type:

                          ping [url][/url]
                          If the output like this you are connected:
                          64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=242 time=47.3 ms
                          64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=242 time=56.0 ms
                          64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=242 time=55.0 ms
                          Another thing to try is this:
                          dpkg-reconfigure -a
                          This will take a long time to run, and I think it is different from "dpkg --configure -a".


                            Re: Major Crash Here

                            Originally posted by hatman
                            ok heres what happens
                            when i am at root i hit alt f2 and just get a blank screen with curser blinking in top left corner..

                            i the entered kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list and get the following error\

                            cannot connect to the x server
                            Ahh -- my bad, I did not realize you have no GUI -- sorry.

                            You say "at root" - does this mean you are at a "#" prompt? Or is it a "$"?


                              Re: Major Crash Here

                              ok guys this is realy weird...
                              i hit alt f2 and got to the blinking screen
                              i then decided to hit altf1 and i get back to root@dave-desktop~#

                              i then decided to enter startx and now i have kde 4.1 desktop up
                              i still cannot use my mouse or keyboard..
                              i am going to let run for a bit as it seems to be loading..

                              i would still like to continue to troubleshoot all this f you are still willing to help me...
                              i will post back when i have new info..
                              do you have any suggestions while this is takin place?


                                Re: Major Crash Here

                                dib i am only able to get rot@dave-desktop~#
                                i did not see your post as i was posting..

                                i am really confused at how this is working?

