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KDE 4 and Dark Themes

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    KDE 4 and Dark Themes

    I love all of the customization options at gnome-look / I prefer dark themes. For me, they are easier on the eyes and look cooler. In Ubuntu with Gnome, there are lots of problems if you are running a very dark theme. For example, inputs in web browsers tend to not display properly after inheriting the Gnome theme properties and sometimes you can't read the text etc. Also, other applications such as Thunderbird, Filezilla etc. don't work well with a dark Gnome theme.

    How is KDE 4 when it comes to supporting dark themes? Is this a desktop issue or is it an issue with the applications themselves? |

    Re: KDE 4 and Dark Themes

    I run dark themes exclusively.

    The only application I've consistently had a problem with has been Firefox, but recent updates seem to have completely resolved that! GO FOR IT!


      Re: KDE 4 and Dark Themes

      which kind of "recent updates"? the only problem i have seen with the dark theme is in Firefox where the text in the menu, bookmarks, ecc is grey and so it is not readable..Do you know if we can resolve this problem mainteining the dark colour theme?


        Re: KDE 4 and Dark Themes

        I've just downloaded the crimson colour scheme on 8.10. No problems.


          Re: KDE 4 and Dark Themes

          How about in Konqueror? I get black input fields making the text unreadable when I change the colors setting to Obsidian Coast. Other than that, everything works fabulous with a few adjustments in the settings.
          Last edited by undoIT; Jan 25, 2013, 01:21 PM.


            Re: KDE 4 and Dark Themes

            as a user of darker color themes i will say the following ,
            1. firefox has always given me the issuse of black on black text.
            2. konqurer can be tweaked in the prefs for the program , however this does not always fix the black on grey or black on black issues..

            and what version of Firefox are u using Nos4ah2, cause i have the issues still and as far as i know my system is upto date. (apt-get update |apt-get upgrade give me 0 packages)
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              Re: KDE 4 and Dark Themes

              Hmm, yeah, in both FF and Konqueror, certain sites won't obey the colour rules so black-on-black occurs. There's not many though. It's improved, definitely. Search bar is fine now.

