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Black Screen after log in

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    Black Screen after log in

    I have just installed kubuntu with kde 4.I have to mention that i am a beginner user. After setting the network and proceed with the updates, i change some setting in the display and i confirm the apply. After that the screen turn to black. From that time on after log in, i have a black screen but i hear the begining sound of the kubuntu.Nevertheless, it is provided to me the console login with an alive screen.I don't have a clue of console commands.There is any command which can set the display setting in the default?My video card is ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO.

    Re: Black Screen after log in


    If you can log into a console session, cd to /etc/X11 and see if you have multiple xorg.conf files. One should be from the original install and maybe one or two more should be from when you made changes. Might be named xorg.conf, xorg.cong.orig, xorg.conf.1 you get the picture. Then just copy the original one (the one with the oldest date I would think) to xorg.conf after renaming the current one to something else.
    cd /etc/X11
    sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.old
    sudo cp xorg.conf -> the xxx is the extension on the original xorg.conf file
    then you can cntrl-alt-backspace to restart the xserver or reboot
    good luck


      Re: Black Screen after log in

      Hello, johniag, and Welcome.

      If you can't do as ppberns suggests, boot the live CD, and with the file manager find the directory named .kde (with a 'dot' first) and either re-name it or delete it.
      You will need to enable "Show hidden files" view, and it will be in your /home directory.

      It will be re-generated with default settings next time you boot from HD.

