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Changing qt3 (Amarok, k3b) color theme in Kubuntu 8.10

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    Changing qt3 (Amarok, k3b) color theme in Kubuntu 8.10

    i'd like to change the color theme of amarok and k3b in kubuntu intrepid (8.10). in hardy i could do that running kcontrol. in intrepid this package is no more, so far i tried:

    - to find another program which could do the color scheme change. i found a program called qtconfig-qt3, but amarok's and k3b's colors didn't change.

    - i've also tried to set the color in amarok's settings but as i use a dark theme, the alternate colors in the lists stayed light so it's not very useful.

    - also tried amarok-kde4 but it quite unstable actually or at least i would like to use the old interface of amarok. let me now if it's possible to change it in the amarok-kde4.

    any suggestions?

    EDIT: hope it's the right place to ask.

    p.s. sorry for my english...

    Re: Changing qt3 (Amarok, k3b) color theme in Kubuntu 8.10

    i'd like to change the color theme of amarok and k3b in kubuntu intrepid (8.10). in hardy i could do that running kcontrol.

    Hmm - this says that there are no such beast > qt3 wrapper to make kde3 applications look like kde4 ?

    Hmm #2 - let's use kde3 tools: kcontrol module color.

    Quick and dirty way to get kde3 color controls

    Going to the Ubuntu Packages

    Search: kcontrol
    Distribution: hardy-backports
    => kcontrol (4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy2)

    Scrolling down, there are download kcontrol (amd386/i386)

    In this example i386 =>

    Download Page for kcontrol_3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy2_i386.deb on Intel x86 machines

    Downloading it in to the ~/kcontrol/
    that is /home/<USER>/kcontrol/

    Opening a konsole there, it tells:
    Giving a command:
    dpkg -x kcontrol_3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy2_i386.deb ~/kcontrol
    man dpkg
    dpkg(1) dpkg suite dpkg(1)

    dpkg - package manager for Debian

    dpkg [options] action


    dpkg can be also be used as a front-end to dpkg-deb(1). The following
    are dpkg-deb actions, and if they are encountered, dpkg just runs
    dpkg-deb with the parameters given to it:
    -x, --extract,
    There are lot of stuff, but now we only need:

    they are ~/kcontrol/usr/lib/kde3

    - colors.desktop
    it is in the

    Explanation > KConfig Module HOWTO

    sudo cp ~/kcontrol/usr/lib/kde3/ /usr/lib/kde3
    sudo cp ~/kcontrol/usr/lib/kde3/ /usr/lib/kde3
    sudo cp ~/kcontrol/usr/share/applications/kde/colors.desktop /usr/share/applications/kde

    Restarting, sometimes KDE 4.1.X and Intrepid is a bit slow to notice that there are installed/modified applications.

    Testing: Alt + F2 and typing
    kcmshell colors
    Let there be light colors:
    Attached Files
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Changing qt3 (Amarok, k3b) color theme in Kubuntu 8.10

      hey Rog131,

      Thanks, it worked immediately, no restart required here.


        Re: Changing qt3 (Amarok, k3b) color theme in Kubuntu 8.10

        I see this was solved, but just as aside, you can get themes for amarok and k3b from
        &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.

