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fresh install, Desktop problem

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    fresh install, Desktop problem

    I did a fresh install of Kubuntu and I have two desktops showing at the same time(one on the upper left side of my monitor and the rest is behind it) I don't think that I can describe this properly so I will show a screen shot.

    I just realized that I cannot post a screen shot because of the file size

    Now I am not sure if this is related to this problem or not but Iwill tell you the story anyway.
    I originally had 64 bit Ubuntu hardy installed. I upped my ram to 4 gb and when I started ubuntu it wouldn't boot, after going through a long process I discovered that the problem is related to the combination of 4 gb ram and the fglrx driver. I decided that I didn't want to make a choice between the two so I un installed ubuntu and installed opensuse11 and have no problems with it at all. But I like Ubuntu so I decided to give Kubuntu a change , so I installed Kubuntu on my other hard drive and the screen shot is the result of that install, also Istill cannot run the combination of 4 gbs ram and the fglrx drivers ( which is a different story). So I uninstalled the fglrx driver so I can at least get this far.
    How do Ifix this desktop problem I have un installed/ reinstalled Kubuntu 3 times and each time Iget the same result.