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KDE 4.1 Plasmoids change position/size

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    KDE 4.1 Plasmoids change position/size

    Hi everybody,
    every time I log out, when I log in again all my plasmoids are in random positions and with random sizes.
    At the beginning this problem was affecting only the widgets on the screen. However, one day I played around with the panel and I customized it the way I like it. Since then, in addition, when I log in I get a blank panel: no task bar, no systray, nothing! So now every time I log in I spend 10 min rebuilding the panel and re organizing the widgets. Kind of annoying!
    Any hints? Am I the only one with this problem?
    By the way, I tried with "restore previous session" in "session manager", and I also tried turning "windows effects" off. The problem is always there.
    Thanks a lot!

    Edit: I may have figure it out. Apparently it is linked to this bug:
    in the sense that even choosing "restore previous session" in "session manager", my session was not correctly saved. The solution was in comment 10 of that bug. Basically, you can manually save a session by typing (in one line):
    dbus-send --dest=org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer org.kde.KSMServerInterface.saveCurrentSession
    I hope it helps