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KDE 4.0.4 issue?

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    KDE 4.0.4 issue?

    Hello all, new to the KDE side of Ubuntu. So far I really like it. Just installed KDE 4.0.4 and noticed a couple issues and was wondering if their were any easy fixes. One I have seen discussed was about the messed up background at the Login screen. The other I have not seen too much about, or I am just not wording my searches well enough. Every other login my system is screwy. I only show one desktop down on the task manager bar, my wireless signal bar is missing, and I can't type anything in my Konsole. Also my laptop takes longer to load after I login, there is a delay in the startup sounds and system response of about 15-20 seconds. If I log out and back in and everything is fine. The wierd thing is every other boot does this. Hopefully someone can help me out. KDE 3.? works just fine

    Kubuntu 8.04
    KDE 4.0.4
    HP DV6700

    Re: KDE 4.0.4 issue?

    Hi Broken.

    The 'screwed desktop' problem seems to be caused by an entry in the ~/.kde4/share/config/ksmserverrc file. To work around the problem, I;

    1. Ctrl-Alt-F6 to jump to tty6 and login
    2. vi .kde4/share/config/ksmserverrc
    3. Remove program1=kwin (it might not be program1 - just delete which ever line has kwin on it)
    4. Save the file.
    5. Ctrl-Alt-F7 to get to my kdm login (notice it has painted correctly now) and login.

    Not sure what causes the incorrectly painted login screen. The ksmserverrc problem is a kubuntu bug 228758. It isn't present on openSuse. I assume (hope) they'll be fixed in the upcoming Kubuntu KDE 4.1 beta packages.


      Re: KDE 4.0.4 issue?

      Hahah, tried what you said and realized I didn't know how to save the file, then proceeded to delete a couple letters from the following line and found out that I couldn't retype them and gave up. Everything still seems to work but still have the same issues. Damn noobs huh?

      Thank you for helping though.


        Re: KDE 4.0.4 issue?

        dd deletes the line your cursor is on.
        :wq writes the file to disk and quits
        :q! quits without writing changes to disk - in case you delete a few characters on other lines

        man vi - from the shell will give you some guidance
        :help from within vi will give you further guidance

        ....or install nano


          Re: KDE 4.0.4 issue?

          Ok, that works much better. Only problem is that it reverts to the grey login screen if I reboot. I check the ksmserverrc file and sure enough program1=kwin is back. I really appreciate the help.



            Re: KDE 4.0.4 issue?

            Originally posted by rickpol1

            ....or install nano
            WHAT? nano is no longer included by default? Booooooooo!


              Re: KDE 4.0.4 issue?

              Well, I fixed my problem. Easy actually, I just wiped my install and dl'ed the Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4 remix. Both problems disappeared. Now a new one. I can't seem to change my login background on this one like I could with the normal 8.04 install with kde 4.0.4 added. Oh well. This is still tons better.

              Thanks everyone.


              Nevermind, just noticed that the disc installs KDE 4.0.3. When I update to 4.0.4 back to the same issues. Looks like I am sticking to 4.0.3 for now.

